Hallway: The seconding

A horror storygame by iavatus

Player Rating?/8

"Too few ratings to be ranked"
Based on 7 ratings so far

Story Difficulty8/8

"Mosie through a minefield"

Play Length?/8

"Unknown / Not Set"
Based on 7 ratings so far

Maturity Level7/8

"Anything goes"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 18. If this were a movie, it would probably be R.


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At least twice as good as the first.

Player Comments

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Bucky on 7/3/2016 11:29:09 PM with a score of 21
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MasonJarGuzzi on 7/3/2016 10:35:52 PM with a score of 5
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Mizal on 7/3/2016 9:52:58 PM with a score of 7
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