How to Get the Girl
love & dating
storygame by
Player Rating
"Too few ratings to be ranked"
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266 ratings
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Story Difficulty
"Trek through the forest"
Play Length
"A nice jog down the driveway"
Maturity Level
"Aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 13. If this were a movie, it would probably be PG-13.
This is a game upon how to go about "getting the girl". Mutliple endings, slighly complex, and interesting.
Player Comments
A fun concept but the endless series of broken links made me depressed. Clearly I'm out of touch with dating 2004 style :P
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on 3/9/2015 7:07:28 AM with a score of 0
Spelling needs to be checked. It's really distracting when someone doesn't know how to use English language.
This isn't really a game and is dumb luck. It would be better to allow the reader to make informed choices and have multiple branches. This is either game over or continue.
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— Jordi P on 2/3/2015 12:46:25 PM with a score of 0
Short but fun.
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— John on 1/28/2015 3:28:01 AM with a score of 0
great game but you can make it higher
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— girlygirl on 11/23/2014 9:22:00 AM with a score of 0
Boring I got the girl every time, but I guess thats because I’m a girl. Men take notes.
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— Nyala on 10/28/2014 10:00:00 PM with a score of 0
Its ok i like romance and im a dude but theres only a couple that really stck out here but i hope you make more man.
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on 8/24/2014 3:16:00 PM with a score of 0
My first impression of this story is that of Japenese dating sims. The basic plot was that you walk into a bar, see a bunch of different girls, and you try to hit on them and eventually "get" one.
As a starter, the writing wasn't the best work I've seen all day. The writing is bland, with no descriptivity. It doesn't describe the bar, the girls, or anything, really. It just tells you, not painting a clear image in the head. Also, the grammar is horrendously bad. This really needs to be proofread. As an example, here is a snippet from one of the passages: "You go to the bar and pick up 2 rums and coke's." As you can see, the punctuation was very bad, which was a reoccuring theme throughout this whole charade. Also, there were no quotation marks whenever a girl (or you) spoke, throughout the entire story.
I didn't particularly favorite the choices, either. You could only "get" one girl out of, like, six you spy in the bar. The whole "How to Get the Girl" part goes down the drain because of the random rejection here. (Spoiler Start!) For example, the girl in the corner is apparantly the 16-year old daughter of the bartender. Just how were you supposed to know that little bit of information, anyway? Plus, why did he bring his daughter in the first place? This also occurs with another girl, I think the redhead, where you have to guess her favorite music type. There is Rap, Pop, and Alternative. Just how am I supposed to know what type she likes? And lastly, the best example I think, the blonde playing pool beats you up because you don't have any "balls" to play with her. So random, really. (Spoiler End!)
It seems like this isn't really teaching/showing/telling game about "getting" a girl, more like a guessing game where you get rejected pretty randomly, for random reasons.
I give it a 5/8.
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— Fazz on 8/4/2014 3:39:47 AM with a score of 0
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— timothy on 7/11/2014 1:13:59 AM with a score of 0
Meh. Not that good.
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on 5/13/2014 8:30:59 PM with a score of 0
Much confuse. Very ginger. Wow.
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on 4/14/2014 12:24:35 AM with a score of 0
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