Player Comments on It's a Boy!
An incredibly well-written horror story that is just... completely fucked by all accounts. I thought the shit I write was messed up, but this story managed to terrify me and make me shiver in a way I have not experienced ever since I first read epilogue 10 of rogues. If you like reading fucked up shit, go ahead and read this without reading further, it'd be a shame to have it spoiled for yourself. Ignore the rather innocuous title, the uninteresting description, and the "fruity" (read: gay) picture.
*spoilers below*
...unfortunately, I kind of had it spoiled for me, because, as I said, everything prior to starting this game just screamed at me that it would be a gay, boring pile of shit. But then I read the comment, and oh boy, the comments convinced me to give it a shot, so I hope my comment will do that to some others. Because this story really is worth the read.
The start is quite phenomenal, IMO. The first couple of paragraphs are your regular old eastern-European-like village and way of life, but then it turns out I'm a cripple? Really interesting choice for a protagonist, and it kinda makes me wanna write a story with a crippled protagonist, as well. Too bad I do not have the time nowadays.
It keeps getting better from there. I have a younger brother that is just much better than me in every way, and he catches the eye of the village leader's daughter. But then she has to go away... Oh well, hardly not expected that a young girl would want to leave the boring village and live in the fun city...
...except that's not at all what happened. Turns out she was sacrificed to a winter-repelling wolf. And then so was my sister. And now I'm the next sacrifice? Holy shit.
The first ending I got was the one where I try killing the wolf, fail, go for the chair, and then have my guts torn out before me. I have to say, I usually hate too much description, as my brain is broken, but the descriptions in this story were so fucking vivid even I could imagine a thing or two. Incredible job, Darius!
Then the story switches to a new perspective. My brother, Orion, is now the main character. And I manage to successfully kill the wolf and become the hero. Then I also get to read the wolf's diary, revealing his tragic backstory. Thankfully, I was reading on my phone, and chrome auto-translated it for me, but you do eventually get to read most of it in another ending anyway. It ends with me being the village hero, yadda, yadda, yadda. All is well and good.
So then I go for another ending and HOLY FUCKING SHIT. The wolf straight up rapes me, fills me with his seed, and then I give birth to disgusting wolf-man babies.
After that, I decided I had to read every single bit of this story, and god damn... I thought I wouldn't be surprised by anything anymore, but it just keeps getting worse somehow. Disgusting worm things (that reminded me of the worms inside poor Sakura from Fate), eating a poor defenseless girl, and then fucking brother-wolf-hybrid incest? Holy shit, Darius, where did you get these ideas from?
Plenty of branching and different branches reveal different parts of the wolf's curse. Always love that in a game.
Now, I'm not one to talk about themes, but pretty sure Misha was supposed to represent a rapist, and you the victim... because that's exactly what happened. But the descriptions, and the way you react afterward, even to your own brother's touch, made me recall how I heard actual rape victims feel. Again, very nice descriptions.
Another theme that was touched on is one you can find in real life as well: The desire to go to a big city or to remain in a small village? I found myself relating to it very much, as I happen to live in quite a small city myself, where more and more people move out. A person very dear to me has recently left, as well, and I found myself struggling with what I am going to do in the future. Shall I also leave, or not? I was always happy here, and Orion represents that part of me quite well. The ending where you and your brother go your separate ways is one I especially enjoyed reading. I was just a bit confused whether the "man" at the end was actually a woman, as he had his ears pierced (as mentioned to be a part of the "bridal ritual") and talked about "marrying the duke's son". Now, I suppose they could be gay (as are a lot of people in the story, apparently) but he also mentioned how he would "birth sons". Unless I missed a key detail about this fictional setting (that men can birth children) I think that was a mistake. I just assumed the reason you're able to birth the demon children is magic, and I waved it off.
I have one complaint only: SPAG. Grammar issues and typos all around. And to me, it kinda detracted from the story at times, as some were too big to ignore. I wish you had proofread this better.
I wanted to write a lot more, I remember I had a lot of specific details I wanted to talk about, but unfortunately I was reading this on my phone. It was too much of a pain in the ass to write down notes as I was reading, which I am able to do when I read on the computer.
Overall, I rated this a 7/8. And it's an extremely strong 7. It probably would have been an 8 if it weren't for the SPAG issues.
Incredible job, Darius.
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on 11/5/2022 11:49:54 AM with a score of 0
Well, writing this review puts me in a bit of an awkward situation. I can’t say that I enjoyed the story, yet the story was excellent. The descriptions, characters, setting, and general storytelling were superbly done. On the other hand, the trigger warnings are not for show, and this story made me feel more genuinely uncomfortable than I’ve been in quite a while.
Before I get into the detailed part of this review, I will give my recommendation. If you don’t enjoy reading genuinely vile things, don’t read this. If you’re like me, and you don’t want to read that kind of stuff, but inevitably will anyway, wait for a time when you won’t have to have functional emotions for a few hours. This is certainly one of the most successful stories on the side of making me feel emotions.
So the story starts out in what seems to be a medieval European setting and the conflict is quickly revealed. I’ve always been fond of the “monster terrorizes village and hero steps up” tales. The twist here is the protagonist is a cripple. The part I enjoyed the most about the story is how well the feeling of total helplessness is communicated. The monster is strong and fierce and you are weak and timid. It was never going to end well.
The protagonist was well fleshed out, and most of Rufus’ characters is easily seen through his interactions and flashbacks of interactions with Orion. This both helps develop the two brothers, but since their development is intertwined, helps cement the close, or even overly-close relationship the two of them share.
The different endings allow the world to be pieced together more and more, especially the lore behind werewolves. It seemed like I wasn’t entirely finished with the experience until I had read every ending.
Another thing about the setting that greatly benefits the quality of the story is the village and its inhabitants. Often, when a story is this sordid, it’s because of the actions of the protagonist or the people in the world. In the world of this story, however, the fault is entirely on the monster. The fact is that the village would be pleasant and idyllic if not for the werewolf. In addition, every despicable act committed by a human in the story was committed because they were driven to it. Evil is imposed from the outside, which was very refreshing to me.
The prose itself is very well written. There are a few instances of a lapse in grammar, mechanics, or a word used incorrectly, but none of it interferes with the story. The description, and most notably the tactile sensory descriptions are well thought-out and color the story.
For a story with a rating this high and the content being what it is, there is also a notable lack of profanity. I personally thought this actually added to the darkness of the story as it drew attention to actions rather than words. After all, actions speak louder than words, especially when those actions are eating little girls and impregnating young boys.
When I reread the trigger warnings, I found it ironic that it included infanticide, because after all the trauma and abuse the protagonist went through, I generally found the endings where infanticide was featured to be especially cathartic.
What also impressed me is how you managed to keep shocking me with every ending. When I got through all of the male birth endings, I thought it could only get better from there, then I stumbled across the ending where Orion transformed and while trying to comfort the little girl, ends up eating her. Honestly, that ending hurt the most. It was written in this way that made the course of actions seem so impulsive and natural. I hated it and it was excellent.
The story was horrible and made me feel horrible, but was excellently crafted. I am left impressed, though with a strong desire to head a spoon and gouge out my defiled eyes.
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on 11/4/2022 10:27:27 PM with a score of 0
First Impressions: "What...the...****..."
*Honestly no one should have this spoiled for them. Just read it*
Plot and structure: Where do I even start...
Ok. So the plot as a whole is well constructed. Everything I read connected nicely and nothing really felt out of place. The world-building was incredibly detailed and nothing was lost on me. I wish now that it was lost on me.
I went through epilogue 18 I believe... I don't know, I just needed an ending. The part where the first male mc is ***** by a wolf and has children from them is just so... I don't even know man... The writing was good but I think I need therapy after reading that. I think the author needs some therapy too. In fact, everyone should get some therapy. I'll pay for it even.
Grammar: Finally... something I can go through criticizing without actually going into much detail that I do not want or need to rewrite. One of the first paragraphs contains this little slip-up.
'Usually, this kind of event came with a cheese biscuits and plenty of ale and wine.'
It only gets worse from there. From mixing up tenses and the uses of a and an, to saying "low and behold", and more misspellings, this whole thing is chock full of grammatical errors, which I'm starting to think is meant to be there to further **** with you. Not only does it mess you up by what is written, but also by how it is written.
Overall I give this a 6/8. Now excuse me while I take a shower with bleach instead of water.
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on 11/4/2022 2:45:44 AM with a score of 0
It is soooooooooooo boring to long it sucks
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— Mash on 3/6/2025 10:36:24 AM with a score of 0
It was a really great game and a story to read as I was deeply engaged in the reading or the playing of the game. Having to think of and write a game this amazing surely must have taken a lot of time but it was worth it I bet.
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— Yatharth on 1/9/2025 3:42:55 PM with a score of 0
Really fucked up but written nicely?
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on 12/25/2024 11:52:04 AM with a score of 0
Really good storytelling,
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— Joey the joe on 12/24/2024 9:51:01 PM with a score of 0
This was really good and the story was wild! I got the "golden ending".
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on 11/17/2024 10:36:02 AM with a score of 0
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— non of your business on 10/18/2024 8:01:04 AM with a score of 0
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on 6/27/2024 9:39:35 PM with a score of 0
Rated R for Radicalness
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on 4/25/2024 12:51:42 PM with a score of 0
I have been defiled. While this is an excellent story, I thought I had been desensatized to things like this. I was very, very wrong. This, this is both morbidly amazing and horific. I can't continue reading, so I choose to stop at a sort of nice ending. This will give me nightmares for weeks to come. I would advise reading this, but with caution to your emotions and at the risk of defiling your ears or eyes. I'm going to go cry now.
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on 12/26/2023 10:34:29 AM with a score of 0
strawberry elephant
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— Hi on 10/25/2023 7:15:52 AM with a score of 0
Very nice
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— bombastic on 10/25/2023 7:13:39 AM with a score of 0
It's very gay, and as I'm very homophobic, the highest rating I can give it is a 1. It's nothing personal, Darius.
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on 4/23/2023 6:07:48 PM with a score of 0
goddamn chinks and their Maoist rapewolves
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on 4/19/2023 7:20:47 AM with a score of 0
Nice writing style with a good flow and easy patter. First ending I got was fairly unsatisfactory, but that's what you get sometimes.
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on 3/22/2023 4:59:42 PM with a score of 0
The golden ending is amazing.
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on 3/15/2023 5:50:05 AM with a score of 0
There's certainly a very good reason why this story is so higly rated, you were able to capture such a interesting plot and setting with a LGBTQ duo that seemed so authentic and natural that reading this story felt so nice and fun that I didn't even realize that I had gone back and found myself going for separate endings (and wow there are a lot of them). The plot in which a weak protag meets a strong foil has been done in a lot of different ways, and usually the tropes surrounding it are similar, but you were able to pull something really engrossing that I wouldn't expect to find in one of these storygames considering the sexual orientation and everything else that has come with this story. Also god damn the description of some scenes in this game, 10/10. Very good story.
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on 1/9/2023 5:33:22 PM with a score of 0
Superb! Highly recommend to anyone who wants a wild ride.
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— Herb Wilson on 12/29/2022 4:00:51 PM with a score of 0
This was…very unsettling to say the least, but very interesting. I love how the story continues even after a main character’s death. There are a lot of ways this can unfold and it is gory and you really should pay attention to the trigger warnings but it’s an amazing story!
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— qdiamond on 11/19/2022 11:34:58 PM with a score of 0
Wow! I think I'm still a little creeped out! Nice job!
This story is really well written, and definitely keeps up an atmosphere consistent with a good horror tale. The description says it is a spin off of Red Riding Hood inspired by CYS romance, but it is very twisted and more like a chopped and screwed version (no puns intended - but there they are).
I didn't play all the endings, but got through more than half of them. Each time the story didn't disappoint, and the choices tended to take the narrative in an unexpected direction.
Overall, great story. But I only recommend if you can deal with the nightmarish creepiness that this story provides.
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on 11/14/2022 6:03:56 PM with a score of 0
why am I a faggot
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on 11/12/2022 2:03:13 PM with a score of 0
I should have been able to kill myself after being raped
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on 11/12/2022 2:00:34 PM with a score of 0
The thing that truly makes this a horror story is the knowledge that there's people who would spill some puppy batter over this.
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on 11/6/2022 1:35:47 PM with a score of 0
I'll have to come back to this for a full review at a later time, but I just want to say it's phenomonally good, and there's impressive amount of branching here. There's some grammatical stuff that needs cleaning up, but this was pretty much an instant feature and for good reason. (And another Steve story kicked to the curb.... the last couple years of rising standards have not been kind to the legacy of our charming Irish bastard.)
Although the title and picture don't really do justice to how dark...and WEIRD... this can get, so certainly heed the warnings.
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on 11/4/2022 2:15:13 PM with a score of 0
This is truly the gay romance story that CYS has been waiting for. Honestly, this is quite good. This story is massive. It does not shy away from any kind of detail either.
I want to formulate my thoughts a bit more before possibly making another comment that can be considered a "review" but I hate being held to promises.
So in case I never do make that comment. I find this story to be feature-worthy. An 8/8 if I must say so. Truly you put forth a lot of worth to take inspiration from a tale as old as time in little red riding hood, and give your own mature, twisted, and sweetly romantic spin to it with the characters you have created.
Marvelous work, Darius. I mean it. The writing in your story is one that I deem intoxicating. I haven’t even yet reached every epilogue, but I just couldn’t help but leave a comment upon rating this piece of work.
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on 11/1/2022 11:18:36 PM with a score of 0
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