Janq's Fine Dining

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"Unknown / Not Set"
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"Unknown / Not Set"
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Maturity Level5/8

"Aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 13. If this were a movie, it would probably be PG-13.


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Sure, stuck between an abandoned state armory and a decrepit laundromat, owned by a half goblin, half human, it doesn't seem too special.

It gets a decent amount of customers, usually tourists stopped at the outskirts of the capital to grab a quick bite before leaving. Regular old timers. The cash you make is enough to sustain the average citizen and his family, enough to live a comfortable middle class living. A respectable job, anyone would say, if you weren't secretly the business head of a front for the biggest criminal organization in the Republic of Yallen.

You organize meetings, store weaponry, give valuable intel gained from unsuspecting state officials coming in for a quick meal, and serve ordinary thugs, corrupt politicians, high ranking bosses, rebels, and enemies of the state, all from the front register of the only open establishment on Wick Lane, situated in the outer edges of the capital city.

You go along with the shady and unpredictable world of crime, shoving your morals and ethics under fat wads of cash and forged tax documents. That is, until a Internal Security Bureau officer pokes his head inside one fateful day, shattering all hopes of a not-so-regular life of complying with your bosses and hoping they'll let you retire one day.

He offers you a choice. Cooperate with him, help him build his case on the Mardino Brotherhood, and he'll protect you... and propel you to the top of the very organization you hope to leave some day.

Another choice not really yours to make.. and another twist in your life you're not sure you really wanted, going to a destination you're not sure you want to arrive at. You just hope you don't fall even lower down on the way.

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