Every harvest, a young lad is sent to the Caves as an offering of peace. They are to find their way through the many
twisting tunnels and passages, avoid the numerous drop-offs and cliffs, and survive on minimal food until they come to the domain of the Shadows. It is an ancient promise kept by the Kings and Queens of the kingdom. Ever since the cowardly king Isnin had backed away from the prospect of banishing the darkness, it was forced upon the people. The ones selected are called Fireflies, because they are only supplied with a lantern before they go down. Now, despite the offerings, the shadows are beginning to rise from their grave below to reclaim the lands. As the sun rises on harvest, every ear is attuned to the name of the young boy who shall serve the purpose. It falls not upon royalty, but on a slave working on the trade routes. If he survives, which is practically impossible, he might earn his freedom, but he would be the first.
~ The Firefly ~