Player Comments on Cougar Crossing: Imminent Threat
I don’t even know what to think about this. There is very little on the main page to encourage someone to read this story. Then if you do decide to read it, the very first page starts out by telling you not to read the story. Is this supposed to be ironic? A legitimate warning might be something, but even the warning is just plain silly, but not in a good way.
From there it just sort of goes downhill. There’s a strange loop when you decide to walk outside that takes you back to choosing to walk outside again. Then, when you’re walking outside you’re allowed to enter something, but there’s nothing there to enter, but you’re inside and there’s absolutely no description of the thing that you entered. I don’t know if I’m in a shack or an elephant’s intestines. But that’s okay, because apparently there’s a garage nearby (in the middle of the open prairie, apparently). In another place, apparently I’m too slow to outrun a cougar, but that’s okay because I get to choose a death ending or just walk back inside the clubhouse.
I don’t really understand the purpose of this story at all. And it’s not the usual lolrandom story where random stuff happens with random choices – it’s not that connected. It’s almost like five different people wrote this story without ever talking to each other and just deciding there’d be cougars in the story. Not a great effort here, overall, in my opinion.
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on 8/13/2018 12:30:00 PM with a score of 0
This story is pretty random, and a leaves a lot of questions to the reader that it shouldn't. What is this clubhouse that you speak of? Where am I? Who am I? Where did a bunch of Cougars come from?
I think that this story should be properly worded better as well, so as to not leave those questions to the reader.
Its a very strange plot, where apparantly a bunch of cougars attack your "clubhouse". I think that, although there were multiple endings, the writing/plot wasy short enough and it could be extended in more ways than one. For example, adding more choices could have helped. I liked the garage scene where you had to guess the code as well, although it was pretty obvious once you got "3" and "1" where it would go. Its a simple pattern, but I guess that's as to not frustrate the reader. However, leaving some clues in other areas as to the password would help. Also, having more scenes (whcih I guess adds onto the "more choices") would also further the story, which would leave the reader with a better end feeling.
The writing was at least good enough. I caught some mispellings and other grammatical errors, but it was better than most with 4/8-and-below ratings.
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— Fazz on 8/4/2014 5:44:25 PM with a score of 0
It is refreshingly honest that on the first page the author tells us not to play this story. Apparently, this is due to the mind-warping horrors of a written description of a cougar-attack but it’s still an unusual move.
Reading through the story I find I am perfectly safe inside a building yet still looking through drawers for means to defend myself against a cougar outside. Apparently, he was attracted by fake antlers and a picture of a deer that I find in one of the drawers as this cougar has both x-ray vision and incredibly specific triggers. Inevitably I choose a stapler as my best means of defense. I also decide exiting the building and going outside to the cougar is the best way to stay safe. I make it home only to find the sneaky buggers have been hiding in my kitchen the whole time, presumably eating my fridge food, drinking my wine and cooking steaks.
This story doesn’t make any sense and I’m not sure if it was meant to be ridiculous but it did make it slightly entertaining. A reasonable five-minute filler if you can put up with all the lolrandom stuff.
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on 1/19/2025 7:07:53 PM with a score of 0
I thought that this is a short yet fun game.
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on 9/15/2022 8:31:05 PM with a score of 0
Had a good time shootin' cougars. Thank you for that experience.
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on 5/2/2022 12:43:43 PM with a score of 0
This game sucks. The only option is to die to cougars. The only actual path where you find a gun to defend yourself has no links to it. Why are there cougars in my yard?
Also when the author says don’t read this storygame you should listen to them. Don’t waste your time like I did and play this dumb game that has literally zero effort put into it. There’s no good ending and bunch of dumb loops with minimal effort put into it.
Absolute trash. The only thing amusing about this steaming pile of garbage is the title. Other than that it’s just a waste of time.
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on 1/23/2022 7:52:11 PM with a score of 0
Well, at least I don't have to feel bad leaving mean comments on this game, considering it was made 14 years ago, and the author has probably forgotten that the game even exists.
This is the kind of game that makes me wonder why the author even bothered to make something out of it. The premise is cougars... That's literally the entire plot of the game. Cougars exist. Try not to get eaten... That's it. It's a plot that the author clearly wasn't invested in and probably just came up with off the top of their head one day. And honestly, if the author isn't invested in the premise of the game, then how is the reader supposed to get invested?
Managed to just about scrape by with a 3/8 because the game wasn't terribly written or contain obnoxious jokes, and at least the author made the effort to include a couple of pics and a single puzzle to solve (if you can even call it that.)
So to sum up... I took this review way too seriously for a game that the author had so little investment in. I really should stop binging these 1/8 length games. They're rotting my brain. >.<
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on 7/14/2020 9:50:54 AM with a score of 0
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on 1/31/2018 6:20:26 PM with a score of 0
I got the jailed-but-not-eaten-by-cougar ending
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on 2/19/2017 1:15:00 PM with a score of 0
I might be in jail for slaughtering cougars, but at least I wasn't eaten by one!
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on 1/1/2017 11:47:08 PM with a score of 0
Very funny and adventurous.
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on 8/9/2015 5:41:52 PM with a score of 0
Pretty funny story! Yes, of all the things that you described, I would probably throw the stapler. One issue I did have was with the looping of the story. I think I ended up throwing 3 staplers at the same cougar because I went back into the clubhouse. Maybe a different sequence of events?
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on 7/19/2015 10:08:41 PM with a score of 0
Oops, I forgot to make the old, redneck "they ain't too endangered if they're in my house joke".
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on 3/29/2015 7:33:44 PM with a score of 0
This is bad. Very bad. I laughed at the idea of a cougar being attracted by a deer picture inside a drawer, though.
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on 3/28/2015 1:23:41 PM with a score of 0
Sort of okay.
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on 10/13/2014 2:56:20 PM with a score of 0
Uhhh fun I guess? The best ending is jail?
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on 8/27/2013 7:29:45 PM with a score of 0
I sort of like it cause it's stupid wheather that was the intention or not but at least i didn't get eatin' ._. :)
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— lindsey on 8/11/2013 9:16:51 PM with a score of 0
Weird, but quite funny, I have to admit. The pictures were nice. I was glad it wasn't too bloody...I was afraid it would be, but I got a pretty safe ending...if death by cougar in a tree is safe. Well done!
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on 5/6/2013 12:04:38 PM with a score of 0
Hey, don't worry. I just got pointed this way by a friend. And I had the idea cougars mostly were hot and had a inevitable need to lay men to rest :-)
Anyway, just moseying about trying to get some rest before succumbing from sex overload :-)
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on 5/5/2013 9:58:13 AM with a score of 0
I don't see Disney movies saying H-E-dubble hokey sticks but other than that note this game was kinda funny.
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on 1/2/2013 4:47:40 PM with a score of 0
Lol, if you think those man eating cougars were scary, you obviously haven't seen Desperate Housewives :p
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on 11/19/2012 5:55:32 PM with a score of 0
So i was like: Boring. Then I get a gun so i'm like: Great! it was pretty good.
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on 8/6/2012 3:17:50 PM with a score of 0
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on 6/30/2012 7:00:15 AM with a score of 0
Too nonsense!
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on 6/2/2012 5:24:42 AM with a score of 0
it needs to be longer.
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on 6/1/2012 6:02:55 PM with a score of 0
it's really not that bad :)
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on 5/13/2012 4:46:09 PM with a score of 0
I liked it. Nice choice of options, good spelling, and original story line. I think this story could have been better if you had items but it's ok because it was great anyway. The only problem that I had was the lack of good endings. I got the best ending and it was kind of bad.
Other than that, nice.
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on 2/19/2012 8:00:47 PM with a score of 0
Wish there was a better ending, but it kept me entertained. Good job.
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on 1/28/2012 6:12:33 PM with a score of 0
This is my first negitive review. I know you siad we wouldn't like this story, and boy were you right!
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— Indiana on 1/11/2012 8:44:52 PM with a score of 0
Not bad. (I wish there was a better ending, though.)
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on 1/1/2012 4:21:46 PM with a score of 0
Alright, a bit linear, and you're pretty much doomed. It wouldve been nice to see more plot though,
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on 9/27/2011 3:44:47 PM with a score of 0
I like it.
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on 6/3/2011 11:05:50 AM with a score of 0
bo approves
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on 5/11/2011 10:33:47 PM with a score of 0
I got death by cougar in a tree ending, yeah! lol! This story is pretty kick ass, enough to at least net you a 5/8. I like basic stories the most, that way I don't have to focus on puzzles or RPG elements, another reason I enjoyed this story.
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on 6/24/2008 2:37:38 AM with a score of 0
put items into it and it would be funner than it is already
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on 12/17/2007 5:20:16 PM with a score of 0
died way too easy but the pictures were good so i gave it a 4.
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on 4/14/2007 6:30:52 AM with a score of 0
Cougars, Cougars, and more Cougars! Easy, quick, story.
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on 3/2/2007 11:17:35 PM with a score of 0
This is great!
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— Mc Skillinator on 11/7/2006 2:30:50 PM with a score of 0
Short but fun. Apparently it's illegal to shoot guns even if cougars are crawling about my house. Hehehe. Another fun one, primates. I like the garage door coding.
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on 11/3/2006 1:27:16 PM with a score of 0
Fun game, but short and linear. Still a nice game.
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on 10/22/2006 5:41:08 PM with a score of 0
Yay, I went to jail, the best ending in the game! If I had my way, that'd be the best ending to ALL games, like the first one I ever made. Still, I didn't like this game that much. Sorry, maybe try a bit more interaction and choices. Not Fable or whatever but a bit better than this.
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on 10/17/2006 7:24:57 AM with a score of 0
Doesn't look like much effort was put into this game. It isn't unique.
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on 10/12/2006 3:10:43 AM with a score of 0
Actually kinda educational about cougars- the only thing I didn't really like was the garage door puzzle (it seemed a little random guess)
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on 10/10/2006 6:17:17 AM with a score of 0
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