Player Comments on Holloween Adventure 2 : Return to the Halloween Dimension!
What is cake doing in the dairy area? Have you -been- to a grocery store? >_> Yet somehow you managed to put donuts in the right spot. Also, judging by your repetition in narration and commentary on items, you're either young or... somewhat immature, and I found it more than a little ridiculous that I just defeated a supernatural figure with a "glowing ball." For someone as young as you -sound-, I think you did well enough, but the item system is ridiculous. 80% of the stuff I found was utterly worthless.
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on 9/12/2012 8:53:35 AM with a score of 10100
I got tired of clicking links and just ended it halfway. The story wasn't nearly engaging enough for me to care about the items and figure out how to do stuff like open the safe, or get the tennis ball.
I'm sorry, this just wasn't very good.
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on 1/27/2025 12:56:07 PM with a score of 0
This was not great. It wasn't good either. It wasn't even fine. It would be a stretch to call it meh.
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on 5/15/2023 3:41:00 PM with a score of 10100
this is better than baked beans.
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— sam on 6/29/2022 6:35:38 AM with a score of 10100
I'm usually a fan of the "so bad it's good" but this is mostly just bad. A few lines did get a laugh out of me such as "go unlock the man".
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on 6/2/2022 3:37:25 PM with a score of 10100
Well. This was pretty bad.
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on 6/1/2022 10:11:14 AM with a score of 10100
This game should be deleted so that no other poor soul is forced to suffer through this.
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on 5/11/2021 12:17:27 PM with a score of 10100
The only redeeming quality about this game is the entire isle dedicated to pudding. This game is otherwise garbage. (Although it wasn't the first time I've had to touch some glowing balls to escape a sticky situation.)
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on 9/24/2020 10:37:50 PM with a score of 10100
... The ultimate game of, "Pick up a bunch of crap that you don't need and never use." ^_^
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on 7/24/2020 6:00:19 PM with a score of 10100
I seriously felt like I was robbing a supermarket.
So many items. So many useless items cluttering up my inventory, like they're just there for the sake of it. I didn't even bother with the last few areas. You only need to pick up a few items at most to win the game, and yet you give the player all this unwanted junk.
There were a few puzzles involved, I guess. By which I mean you made it very easy for the player to work it out, but then again you also gave them 20+ items available, absolutely none of which do anything, so I guess it's just as well we didn't have to click on every single thing to work it out.
Once the Man turns up, everything becomes linear. He gives you items, tells you exactly when to use them, and even gives you a direct link taking you where you need to use them. You can't really lose at all by that point.
Oh, and I still don't know what's going on. I just wandered around and picked up stuff and threw a ball at some guy and won. Assembling the slingshot was the only challenge whatsoever.
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on 9/19/2017 4:40:48 AM with a score of 10100
It was not as confusing as the first one and was pretty funny. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the third part.
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on 1/8/2017 6:35:48 PM with a score of 10100
Quite Poor really. No plot and no brain power required. The story told you how to win and most of the items were useless clutter. Waste of time
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— Jordi P on 9/29/2016 11:31:36 AM with a score of 10100
Really Bad Game
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on 1/13/2016 9:46:34 PM with a score of 10100
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on 11/4/2014 2:01:20 PM with a score of 10100
finally made it the first adventure ever than the part 1.... part doesn`t show how to use the ingredients. i trying using all the ingredients but nothing seems to use it.
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on 5/8/2014 11:03:28 AM with a score of 10100
Sorry, really boring and 3/4 of the items weren't even useable. It didn't make sense, and you told us how to win.
I'd make more uses for the items, make a plot that made some sense, and not reveal when you have to use items as much.
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on 6/24/2013 11:43:57 AM with a score of 10100
An odd but still fun adaption to the first one, why so many needless itmes though?
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on 4/4/2013 8:14:54 AM with a score of 10100
Funny, I actually preferred the original. This game had lots more stuff, but you couldn't actually use most of it. There's really no point in having a whole bunch of stuff in your inventory if you can't use it.
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on 12/30/2012 6:58:22 AM with a score of 10100
it was okay i could do without the hints all in all good job
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on 4/6/2012 10:30:33 AM with a score of 10100
Well there any way to pernamently destroy the evil with the most logical thing?
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— God on 2/12/2012 1:02:46 AM with a score of 10100
It was boring, there was no challenge, and the ending was just plain stupid.
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on 11/26/2011 5:14:41 PM with a score of 10100
I liked the first one better cause I had to figure out which item to find the ingredients.This one was way too linear, too obvious.
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on 9/30/2011 4:31:00 AM with a score of 10100
i couldnt beat #1 i cant fin ingrediant 4 i have evrey other
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on 4/20/2008 5:22:38 PM with a score of 10100
Waaaay too noob-ish for my tastes. This is your old profile though, so no worries. I felt too isolated throughout the whole thing, and after you solve the initial puzzle, it pretty much led you through. I never thought it would be that easy to defeat the devil. For what it was, it was okay.
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on 4/4/2008 7:00:59 PM with a score of 10100
It was fun to play. Short puzzles are fun as. In some ways I like it more than the Wal*Mart Game storygame because it isn't so exact, and you sort of always had an idea of what to do. Too many "yummy"'s though.
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on 6/30/2007 12:04:38 AM with a score of 10100
A copy of wal*mart game. Try to have more of an enemy, a better intro, and obstacles. 4/8
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on 4/3/2007 4:34:08 AM with a score of 10100
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on 9/25/2006 8:28:24 PM with a score of 10100
The first one seemed more fun. This was filled with a million food items that were useless. Needs more description and story.
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on 9/4/2006 12:18:33 AM with a score of 10100
ummm, lol ending was uberlinear, and you were very childish ahha, but it was good overall.
"KOOL!!!!" You said KOOL!!!
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on 8/25/2006 2:20:37 PM with a score of 10100
now, if only i can beat the first one lol. great game. although, i wish i could have used all those items in a more Mcgyver style. oh well. also, pictures for them would have been better.
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on 8/21/2006 6:47:42 PM with a score of 10100
This was easy yet fun
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— Tidus on 7/30/2005 2:50:42 PM with a score of 10100
EXCELENT GAME! it was hard, funny, you needed to do stuff except click links and you win, you actually had to think! :) only on #1 alot of the links are wierd... they put you in the wrong place, and theres no way to get ingredient 4... but still REALLY good!
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— Logan on 7/2/2005 1:21:49 PM with a score of 10100
Slightly better then the first. 5/10
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— JJJ on 6/17/2005 12:22:53 AM with a score of 10100
Do I get to eat all the cake and stuff I didn't need to use?
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— Badger on 5/30/2005 11:11:03 PM with a score of 10100
Almost as good as the original!
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— Hamlet on 2/16/2005 4:41:16 PM with a score of 10100
Cool game.
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— Fizz on 12/2/2004 9:28:31 PM with a score of 10100
Awesome game cant wait till the 3rd
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— scrib on 5/21/2004 2:45:57 PM with a score of 10100
i can't finish the first one but this one's easy<br>
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— Emman on 5/5/2004 1:25:08 AM with a score of 10100
hey solostrike, cool game
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— Emman on 5/5/2004 1:22:44 AM with a score of 10100
Where were the cool jack-o-lantern pics from the first game?
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— Kidnarc on 2/1/2004 11:34:23 PM with a score of 10100
thats pretty cool
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— me on 8/31/2003 5:42:25 PM with a score of 10100
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— dylan on 6/13/2003 10:23:24 PM with a score of 10100
This one was MUCH easier than the last one. I'm a little dissapointed.
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— Renodox on 5/3/2003 6:03:33 PM with a score of 10100
cool game! although it was a lot longer than the 1st one, it was really easy! And most of the items you got you don't even use!!
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— ???... on 3/16/2003 12:51:08 AM with a score of 10100
I was dissapointed. It wasnt very hard at all.
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— ESRTIOKNE on 3/10/2003 4:31:25 PM with a score of 10100
I think this is a really good game by solostrike!
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— Air-Strike on 3/10/2003 9:32:51 AM with a score of 10100
Very fun, but kinda easy lol. Tells you what to do at every turn almost, but still a great game, and sequel! Thanks!
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— march5th00 on 3/10/2003 2:25:39 AM with a score of 10100
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