To Drink or Not to Drink

An edutainment storygame by drinkmorewater

Player Rating2.50/8

"Too few ratings to be ranked"
Based on 11 ratings since
Played times (finished )

Story Difficulty1/8

"No possible way to lose"

Play Length4/8

"A well spent lunch break"

Maturity Level1/8

"Appropriate for all ages"
Stories with this maturity level will not, by design, have any potentially objectionable content. An example of a type story with this rating would be a quiz on mathematics.


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This story is for a class project, it is intended to teach about the health behavior of drinking water.

Player Comments

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Mizal on 8/4/2018 11:38:20 AM with a score of 0
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— Amy on 8/2/2018 10:27:51 PM with a score of 0
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