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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


8 years ago

Currently, we're have a thunderstorm, with lighting close enough to shake the house a bit once the thunder part comes. It shook my phone off of the nightstand a moment ago.

It's so pretty to watch though. I love it, especially with the background sound of rain pouring.

So, what's your opinions on it? Hate it? Dislike it? Meh? Like it? Love it? Why?


8 years ago

Lightning's pretty keen, as long as it's not causing any power outages. :7
I'd probably enjoy thunderstorms more if my dogs didn't make so much of a racket over them.


8 years ago

Yeah, luckily my cats are already asleep or else they'd be making a huge racket as well.


8 years ago

I'd enjoy it more if we didn't have to pull the plug on all electric appliances.


8 years ago

I just love storms in general. The rain and thunder helps me sleep. Dunno why. So long as it doesn't knock out a power line or cause any bushfires, then I'm happy! :P


8 years ago

Mostly indifferent I like the storm a little.


8 years ago

I love watching lightning storms. I tend to count the time between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder.


8 years ago

I love rain and lightning is pretty cool to watch, but I'm not overly fond of thunder, especially when I'm working a graveyard shift and it wakes my patients.


8 years ago

You know, when I first read that, it sounded like you worked in a graveyard, and the lighting woke the dead like zombies. XD


8 years ago
Meh. Sometimes it's quite nice but otherwise I'm not all that infatuated with storms.


8 years ago

Unless the lightning is going to cause a power outage, I'm fine with them.

Even as a kid, I loved watching the sudden bursts of light at nighttime.


8 years ago
I love thunderstorms.


8 years ago

I spent plenty of time outside fighting dummies with broomhandles during summertime in my kidhood (And sometimes to this day, but with less frequency) Nothing on this earth could make you feel more badass... Short of fighting an entire biker gang in that thunderstorm or choking out a raging lion or battling the forces of hell with a shotgun or beating the shit out of a horde of angry kung-fu-knowing Chinamen in a dusty town square.


8 years ago
What about chanting in a language you made up, after having set your hands on fire using a trick you learned from Bill Nye the Science Guy?


8 years ago

Sesorak na guiva! Lisesorak na guiva!


8 years ago

I'd probably enjoy them more if I hadn't had to run through downpours and large hail so many times in my life due to the accompanying tornado or having to do without electrical devices for the duration of the storm.