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6 years ago

Hello, good reader. Seeing as BZ hasn't given me a theme to work with, rather than write, I watched Logan. I've been waiting to watch it on the big TV properly rather than a shitty pirated copy because I've heard nothing but rave reviews and how it could be the best superhero movie ever. I'll presume you've all assumed my now I hated it and am now going to blast it for a good bit. Fuck, I made a massive thread about 13 Reasons Why entirely for this reason. 

To begin and give the movie it's credit, I liked Stephen Merchant. He was fun. Did well. I also liked the gore, that was pretty cool. Good addition. Would've been cooler if this was trend-setting rather than just them showing up late to the party, but whatever. Those were the positives.

The characters were at best mediocre. The super-wolverine girl is simply just there to be Wolverine's escort mission and for the feelz. Her personality includes not talking for whatever reason, being Spanish, and having claws. Good job her. Wolverine was just the same grizzled, alcoholic superhero we've seen time and time again, like that's something new. His character development is giving shit about her. It's like Last of Us, if Ellie was younger, boring and Spanish. There's nothing particularly new or exciting there. Professor X is just there, being old and confused, before being murdered because he was too old and confused.

The villains are just generic and boring. They want a weapon to be more powerful, yadda yadda yadda. You've seen it before. If you saw Jurassic World, replace Raptors with kids and it's the same thing. The main villain has a robot arm and nothing else, or is just a generic evil doctor, or is a clone of the protagonist, depending on who you think's the "Main" villain. Nothing you haven't seen before.

The plot is pretty much just an escort mission. The bad guys are evil and want the girl, the girl does not want the bad guys to get her. No plot twists, nothing clever, just "Eh".

There's also black and white version called Logan Noir. That annoys me. This film wasn't nearly aesthetically pleasing to warrant that. This shit should be reserved for stuff like Fury Road.

All in all, it's not a bad film, in its defense. I'd say it's what I'd expect out of an X-Men film, if a bit grittier, but the thing is, with the amount of hype it's got, it was just a disappointment. The film's action sequences were cool, but nothing special. It wasn't charming, or funny, or witty, or thought-provoking, or daring, or trend-setting or even particularly cool or brutal. It does everything either slightly above average, average or worse. Literally nothing stands out about it, and for the life of me I can't understand how anyone thought it was great. I can only presume it was the excellent marketing campaign about how it was the last Wolverine and the Johnny Cash song making the trailer look cool, followed by people just sheepishly repeating how much they loved it as soon as the first guys out did. All in all, an average film undeserving of its reputation.

Anyhow, if any of you liked it, tell me so I know why and can then presumably yell at you.


6 years ago

Whaaaat? There's a BLACK AND WHITE VERSION??? I'm not gonna watch it but jeez, I sure didn't know.

I liked Logan. I was kinda annoyed when they killed that entire horse family ("WHAAAT? yOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT! I DON'T ACTUALLY CARE THAT MUCH BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT! AAAAAAAAAUGH JEEZ!") and that white sun-sensitive guy...Well, he betrayed them but then didn't get a chance to really redeem himself? I mean, he sorta did by blowing himself up but NOT SO THAT LOGAN & CO. COULD SEE so they never did get to see that he helped them...It's been a while since I've seen it so I might have details wrong. Hmm.

Well, uh, I have no problems with escort missions or anything. I didn't really care for the fight scenes. I read a review where they praised the movie for awesome fight scenes? But to be honest, aren't they jumping on people and banshee screaming as they gore their victim's esophaguses with their retractable boxcutter death hands? Or am I just an intellectual toddler with no palette for fight scenes? HMMM.

Hmmm. Hmmm hmmm. Charles Xavior was a sweet bean. I don't think the movie was the greatest thing ever made, but I thought it was pretty good. I guess. Still not a fan of the fight scenes. I liked it more than some other hero movies, I suppose.

On an unrelated note, I really wanna watch Lego Batman now. Hmm.


6 years ago

They didn't kill the Albino, Caliban, he blew himself up, with a pretty badass line, to be fair. Since I've always loved the Ricky Gervais Show and everything with Karl Pilkington, plus Portal 2, obviously, it was good to see Stephen Merchant doing well. 

Also, Feral Clone Logan killed them because he does not take shit and is a crazy motherfucker.


6 years ago
I just kind of feel like 'grim and unrelentingly bleak' was a phase comic book things went through that we were all glad to see them get over. Wasn't a huge fan but it wasn't terrible or anything. Nice Logan finally got to cut loose and graphically murder some people at least since rating concerns usually held back the guy with knives for hands from doing the obvious.

Malk absolutely loved it and wouldn't stop gushing, go yell at him.


6 years ago

Shit, when did he do that? If I had known that, I would've insulted him for being so retarded more.


6 years ago

Wow. A movie review on the internet I actually AGREE with! Are you sure you're not my doppleganger?

(TBH: I stopped watching this trash at the 50 min. mark. I couldn't bear it. Bad movie is bad. 'Nuff said.)


6 years ago

Cool, I got Old Man Morgan on my side. Saucy.


6 years ago

Wasn't nearly as "grim and unrelentingly bleak" as the comic was.

Didn’t even have the cannibalistic hillbilly Hulk incest clan in it, so of course it sucked.


6 years ago

Yeah, but it also didn't have an adorable baby hulk that was spared, in its defense.


6 years ago

Oh, that film. I think I fell asleep during several parts of it.

It was really sad that the entire haplessly clueless family was killed by the evil Logan doppelganger. It was even sadder that that was the most exciting part of the movie. At least it was better than Power Rangers, by a long shot.

Good review, by the way.


6 years ago

Eh. I loved it on my first watch, but after a few rewatches I noticed its flaws. Like you said, two dimensional characters, fight scenes that are decent but nothing special, a straight forward plot, and the like. Not to mention the unnecessary black and white version. Only Fury Road deserves a black and white version.

Still better than the two and a half hour trailers for the next two and a half hour trailer that Disney pumps out every year, though.