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16 years old

13 years ago

Hmm, I was looking through my old stories and I used to write a lot. I have to pull myself together. I think I was 16 when I wrote this. That was TWENTY ONE years ago. Sigh.


He ate his cereal and told her he was going insane.

“What do you mean, going insane? You don’t look insane to me,” the woman protested.

He looked down at his bowl and stirred the cereal moodily.

“Yesterday, I saw a boy in the park. I walk by there sometimes after work. There are redwoods and oaks. The boy, he came up to me and asked me a question. Want to know what it was?”

“That’s nice.” She stuck her pinky in her mouth, just a little, and licked it. The spring Liz Claiborne catalog lay open in front of her.

“I’m horny,” she said plainly, blinking her fake eyelashes.

“Fine,” he replied.  

Afterwards, she lit a cigarette in the bedroom, exhaled and put her hand on his forehead. “Better?”

“Sure,” he agreed. “You better leave. My wife will be home in a few minutes.”

She snubbed her cigarette in the ashtray and got up. As she dressed, he lay there and looked at her. How he wanted to kill her.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she called as she walked out the door.

He stayed in bed a while longer. It was only six o’clock. His wife shouldn’t be home for an hour. He wondered what the boy from the park was doing.

He didn’t think he would go in to work tomorrow, either. Mr. Wilson could just find somebody else to do the payroll. In fact, Mr. Wilson could kiss his white ass. All those phony bastards, with their 400 dollar suits and saccharine grins, and always telling a guy to count this or distribute that. Why, they could write their own god damn checks. Write themselves silly. They could take the whole big fucking stack of checks and go mad, by god. Crowd into an office grabbing for pens and scribbling, by the fires of hell, furiously inscribing numerals and names and bleed the pen’s blue blood all over the office.

He dialed his office and got the receptionist.

“Hello, Catherine? It’s Bill Banks. Sorry I didn’t call this morning. I’ve got a bug and won’t be in tomorrow, either. Hmm? Tell Mr. Wilson I was too sick to call. Well, tell him tomorrow then. No, I’ll be in bed and won’t be able to call then, either. Bye, now.”

He put the phone down and sat up. When he felt like it, he went downstairs and made some coffee. Took a Valium. Turned on the TV and found Oprah. God love the woman, fixing everyone so easily.

His wife came in at ten past six. She put her keys on the table and called to him.

The house remained silent. She walked into the family room and put her coat on the sofa. Oprah was on TV, talking to an overweight woman, nodding like a madwoman. “I know, dear. But you’re beautiful, inside and out. Isn’t she beautiful ladies and gentleman?” and began clapping. The audience roared their approval.

“I’m home early. Where are you?” Receiving no answer she went into the kitchen to make some tea. Of course he’s not home, you silly twit, she thought, he’s working on the payroll. Calm down. He’ll be at least an hour. She took a Valium with her tea and phoned Marcus.

“He’s gone,” she breathed.

Marcus came over ten minutes later. They made love on the kitchen table for nearly an hour, the wooden legs rocking amidst frenzied grunts and her loud screaming. When they were finished, his back was bleeding.

He lit a cigarette. “You got a beer?”

“You know Bill doesn’t drink. Pepsi alright?”

“Fine.” He scratched his stomach and pulled up his pants. “Coke’s better, but Pepsi’s fine.” He walked over to the pantry to grab something to eat. “You sure your husband won’t be coming home?”

“He’s got their whole payroll to get in order,” she grinned, “not until at least eight o’clock.”

He grunted and got some chips. They took the stuff upstairs, naked, their feet padding on the linoleum. The third step squeaked. In the bedroom they found Bill lying in bed. A shotgun was propped between his legs and his head was missing, brains splattered like grape jelly on the headboard.

16 years old

13 years ago

Wow, it is kinda amazing that you actually kept your stories for such a long time. TWENTY-ONE years!

Not bad for someone who is 16(aside from the slight grammar errors). Pretty mature, in my opinion.

Anyway, I am pretty curious why you said you had to pull yourself together. Was it really that bad? Maybe I will leave it to the more experienced writers to comment about this, since I haven't even tried writing yet.

*Ahem* speaking about 16 years old, I am 16 too. Guess that's why this particular post caught my attention.

16 years old

13 years ago
Jesus. It's been over two years since I've published OMS, which came out just before my 17th birthday. That's really crazy.

16 years old

13 years ago

Ya, I can see how that is done by a sixteen year old, only a few more days...

16 years old

13 years ago

Interesting. It is a good idea to keep your stuff around, you never when you can pump yourself for ideas.

16 years old

13 years ago
I liked this, MG. Pretty rad shit.

16 years old

13 years ago

Yeah it's not too bad at all. I like it, actually. I meant I have to pull myself together and start writing again - I have all my stuff, originally on floppy disks haha! - and have been converted from wordperfect over the years, transferred from hard drive to hard drive. I have a lot of non digital stuff still in a stack that I always mean to transcribe. I think I wrote better then than now.

16 years old

13 years ago

I must have been reading Catcher in the Rye at the time ...I'm betting. Where are the grammatical errors?

16 years old

13 years ago

My apologies. I just went through it again and I realised that there wasn't any. Sorry, I was speed reading the other time. I misread and overlooked certain details.  Again, I am really apologetic about it.

Anyway, you are an amazing author. Regardless of whether it was twenty-one years ago, or now. I really enjoyed reading Mommy!

16 years old

13 years ago

I had trouble understanding this. I know you didn't write it now but I thought I might as well comment anyway. I found it really hard to figure out who was talking. I had to read the same lines over and over just to figure it out and I still don't get it. I also don't get the ending. 

16 years old

13 years ago
It seemed pretty clear to me. What don't you understand?

16 years old

13 years ago

I just said. The ending, and who is talking when.

16 years old

13 years ago

Scrap that I just read it again. I have a headache at the moment, might be why. I know who says what but I don't know why bill killed himself with a shotgun. What the hell?

16 years old

13 years ago
He's depressed. He hates his life, he's fed up with his bosses (and the society that they represent), he hates the woman he's having an affair with (probably because he sees his own failure there) and his wife is cheating on him.

16 years old

13 years ago
Also, he's taking Valium.

16 years old

13 years ago
doesn't he say right at the beginning that he's going insane?

16 years old

13 years ago
ahahaha yup

The more I read this, the more I like it, madglee, btw. Really, really awesome writing.

16 years old

13 years ago

Hahah, thanks triple J, yep you hit it right on the head. I don't exactly remember what I was thinking at the time, but I'd definitely agree that you are correct. I at first was confused, too..I am not sure where the confusion is, but it has something to do with too many people cheating. Ha.

16 years old

13 years ago

I think it's too many "hes and shes." That's okay though. I wish I could remember writing it. Heh.

16 years old

13 years ago

Drugs are bad MG, mkay?

16 years old

13 years ago

Valium is useful if used correctly, although I'd probably use Ativan or clonazepam nowadays.

16 years old

13 years ago

I prefer canabis indica or canabis sativa. May not be good for the memory, but it doesn't take like shit. Most pills taste terrible.

16 years old

13 years ago

Yeah Marinol is worthless.

16 years old

13 years ago

Weed is okay but the problem is the lack of motivation, which does affect a lot of people. Still, a better drug than ETOH.

16 years old

13 years ago

Yeah, you just have to learn how make it the motivation. I can write poems and stories sober, though (depending on how high I am or whether it's indica or sativa) I find I have a more creative streak when I'm not. As my teachers told me, you are willing to do things you normally wouldn't while you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is true and is VERY true in my writing. I explore the possiblilites and ideas better.

16 years old

13 years ago

I think it depends on the brain. There are obviously plenty of famous people - Bukowski, Burroughs, Kerouac, Hemingway, to name a few, who do better on substances. Without them, they detonate. Most people are the opposite, it seems. Everything depends on one's individual brain chemistry.

16 years old

13 years ago

Add Stephen King to the list. He was a coke addict and alcoholic for many years, haha. I agree though, it depends on the mind. It also depends if the mind is dependent on these substances. In no way do I need marijuana to be a functioning human. This doesn't mean I can't enjoy it though. I don't want to start a marijuana-debate though, I've grown weary of debates. Not saying you will MG, you're a pretty benign fellow.

16 years old

13 years ago

Add Edgar Allen Poe to the list as well, he was a huge alcoholic, even more so when his thirteen year old cousin/wife died. There are also rumors he partook in drugs as well, but I don't think those have been comfirmed. I personally have never tried drugs, so I have no room to talk about it.

16 years old

13 years ago

ive been on morphine in a legal setting before and i can tell you... its crazy stuff man. good stuff. i was tripping out. didn't make me not feel the pain, made me not care... but this is off topic.

16 years old

13 years ago
I've done morphine before. It fucks you up real good.

16 years old

12 years ago

The spiders man, the spiders!

16 years old

12 years ago

Opiates are great, conducive fun because they don't blur the mind like ETOH. Pity they're so addictive that if you use them recreationally the next thing you know, you're lying in the gutter and blowing hobos.

16 years old

12 years ago
I got all my creative stuff from 6th grade on up. I didn't actually do a lot of real writing until about 11th grade though.

Before then I mostly drew stick figure comics, it got to a point though were the dialogue in the comics started getting longer and I was getting lazier in drawing (Too lazy to draw stick figures, now that's lazy!) so I just cut out the middle man and started concentrating on writing.

16 years old

12 years ago

In the 5th grade I wrote a story about an armadillo that was a detective and won a state-wide contest, from then on I was all 'yep, born to be a writer *smug face* ' and convinced I was going to get a book published one day. I started playing Magic: the Gathering in junior high and all the awesome art was probably what got me interested in world-building. So I filled up tons of notebooks with the stupidest stuff and would constantly be starting giant sci-fi and fantasy epics that would always, always peter out after about twenty pages when I got burned out and jumped to a new one. It took me until I was 19 or so to notice a pattern there...and one I still haven't really managed to break, unfortunately. I have writer's ADD. :(   

...I wonder if I still have any of that old stuff floating around somewhere. I'll have to look...I remember coming across a couple of notebooks when I moved out of my parent's house, it was all pretty cringe-worthy though. Heck, the armadillo story probably held up better over time than most of it...

16 years old

12 years ago
Yeah I recently re-read all my old stuff too, and while some of it is pretty stupid, I still thought isome of it was sort of funny in a very immature way. I actually got sent to the vice principal due to the stuff I was writing. One of my notebooks somehow got lost and passed around the school and someone got offended and turned it into a teacher.

After speaking with the vice-principal, he compared me to Hitler, and said I needed A LOT of counseling because it was sick stuff and I needed help. Then he called my dad to come pick up the notebook and I guess he told him it should be destroyed.

My dad just gave it back to me at home and told me to not get caught next time. So I didn't and I just continued writing for people who wanted to read the stuff.

Dad's so cool.

16 years old

12 years ago

Okay now I REALLY want to read the story that got you compared to Hitler.

16 years old

12 years ago

Was it six million pages of Jews getting killed or what?

16 years old

12 years ago
Lol, it wasn't any particular story, but the comparison came out when I was trying to debate with him that a bunch of people thought the stuff in the notebook was funny and it was just a couple people that got all offended.

And he basically said "Well Hitler had a lot of followers too, but that doesn't mean what he did was right either."

More of an indirect comparison, but the message was clear enough.

16 years old

12 years ago

Hey End how old are you? I'm guessing at least 20 something. Can you, or any of you guys, imagine the 40 something year old lunatic that would grab a kid who is doing something creative and compare him to Hitler? Unless you are literally stating that certain ethnicities should be purged - and not through some character, unless it's a thin veneer - I can't imagine trying to stifle a kid's creativity. I think an open mind is very useful, and as far as I can tell, some drugs either provide that or that people drawn to them already have open minds. I'm not sure which is true, or if both things are true. Maybe no cause and effect. I bet that man was horribly beaten down and no longer fit to serve. That's why I stopped teaching 10th and 12th grade creative writing. I could foresee that I was going to become some pissed off person, not to the benefit of the kids (and I was only 23 at the time), so I quit and did something else. (any time I asked questions, I'd get at least 5 hands and when you call on them, the question was 'Can I go to the bathroom?' No one wants to be in HS, well at least not many, but after 20 years of that, I'd probably start killing people.)

16 years old

12 years ago

Didn't really bother me, since I knew he was overreacting.

The content of the writings didn't contain any sort of racial extermination, it was mostly your typical adolescent sex joke stuff. There was probably a few other "mean spirited" or unPC things in it, but yeah nothing about killing xxx race.

The stuff was no worse than the average episode of South Park or Family Guy really.

16 years old

12 years ago

Cool I had no idea you were my age, or really near it.

16 years old

12 years ago

Yeah, MTG is pretty awesome

16 years old

12 years ago

i think im going to post some of my short stories here now.

16 years old

12 years ago

Funny thing, I actually just came across that story I wrote in the 5th grade while going through some old boxes at my dad's house. It was still fun to read too, I was shocked...usually I hate all my old stuff. Probably had something to do with the protag not being some obnoxious super-powered Mary Sue like in all my later stories. :D 

16 years old

12 years ago

Couple comments:


I didn't know King did coke. Interesting.

The whole Poe is an alcoholic thing has actually been disputed. Look up that critic, damnit what's his name, hmm, can't remember. He was the one who started that rumor. A lot of things I've read said Poe never used anything, interestingly, and that it was all slander from some fat media guy that didn't like him. Not sure which is true, of course, considering the writing.

It can be hard to pump stuff out. Mommy may or may not have come out of heavy drinking, I hate to admit, but at least I finished it.

"MG you're benign." hahahaAHAHAH! I do try to keep a fairly level mind on this web site and am rarely volatile. I think I have managed, for the most part, to act rationally and like an adult on here because it's important. But if you knew me in RL, I bet you'd never call me "benign." :)

16 years old

12 years ago
I read a lot a lot of Poe biographies and I don't think a single one claimed he wasn't an alcoholic. I know his nursemaid fed whiskey soaked bread when he was a baby, but that doesn't mean he was an alcoholic, just a victim of a fairly common practice that we look down upon. I mean when you look at all he had to go through in his life it's hard to imagine not being an alcoholic. I'm pretty sure like most artists of his time he partook in drinking absinthe, like van Gogh and all the rest.

By the way this may seem a little off topic but it's worth saying, van Gogh didn't cut off his own ear. It was his friend that he was living with, they got in a fight and he sliced off his ear. The cutting off his own ear thing was a story they made up to the cops so his friend wouldn't have to go to jail. Which really makes you wonder what van Gogh said the he basically admitted to deserving his ear chopped off.

16 years old

12 years ago

Not sure how valuable this is as a resource, but check this out.

16 years old

12 years ago

He lost both parents at an early age, which could induce drinking, then his teenage wife/cousin (it was his cousin right?) died, so that could definately induce drinking, or if he was already a drunk intensify it. But I agree that every biography I have read about him (plus American Literature for dummies) said he was a heavy drinker.