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Oh, Hai thayr

6 years ago

There were too many Hellos and such here, so I wanted to be a tad inconsistent with the subject line.

I suppose being a newb, I should answer these questions:

Who Are You?

See that thing on the left hand side? That's my handle on the forums. That is all you get to know about WHO I am. However, metaphysically, I am no one since there is no real proofs I exist. Yet, realistically, I DO pay my own traffic fines, so I must exist. In a poor state.

What Are You Doing Here?

Writing this down. Why? What are you doing here? I mean, besides procrastinating? Let me guess: Reading this. Brilliant, aren't I?

What Are Your Hobbies?

A) Writing fan fiction about Alexander Pope. B) Posting it on the chans. C) Not being popular on the internet. D) Writing down bizarre lists.

If You Became Miss Universe, How Will You Use Your Title To Make This World A Better Place?

I would convince scientists to create a human-chimera by crossing Jon Brower Minnoch and a Tyrannosaurus rex and unleashing my unholy creation upon every seed bank in the world! Then for an encore, I would kill it using a fricken laser! Showing the world once and for all - WHO'S BOSS!

With all that said, what else did you want to know? cheeky

Oh, Hai thayr

6 years ago
Miss Universe can't do shit. I've never heard of Ms. Universe doing jack except winning money for being pretty.

Oh, Hai thayr

6 years ago

I am quite certain she can DO SHIT.

But can she TAKE LAMP?