Caterpillar, The Contributor
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Hi, I'm caterpillar. I am suffering from a rare defect which prevents me from becoming a butterfly, so I stay in my caterpillar form forever. Being a caterpillar isn't so bad, except for the fact that you cannot get laid.
I have three ideas I'm currently working on, but I'm too lazy to write right now. Perhaps I'll finish them in a million years.
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Hello! on 4/1/2023 8:29:23 AMCool, I'm looking forward to reading your stories.
A brief introduction on 3/22/2023 10:10:49 PM
You can check the articles in the help & info tab. Have fun writing ;)
Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are) on 3/18/2023 4:49:53 AM
I've enjoyed a lot of these stories. Congrats to those who aren't shamed. I wanted to join, but I was too much of a pussy.
Luc Bat poem on 3/7/2023 8:30:13 PM
I really like your style of writing. Haha...
Luc Bat poem on 3/7/2023 8:27:58 PM
I suppose it's weird because Vietnamese is a tonal language and most words are monosyllabic, so this form of poem flows much better in its native language. It's suppose to sound like music. Maybe that's why it's not really popular in other parts of the world.
Luc Bat poem on 3/7/2023 10:24:05 AM
I’ve been lurking in the shadow for quite sometime, and today, I’ve decided to break the ice by sharing with you guys some interesting things about Luc Bat poems. It’s a form of poetry popular in Vietnam, my country. Luc Bat, or 六八 means six eight, which refers to the alternating lines of six and eight syllables. This form of poem always starts with a six syllable line and ends with an eight syllable line. A Luc Bat poem’s length ranges from two lines to a few thousands of lines; there’s no limit. Here’s how you rhyme in a Luc Bat poem. Quite interesting, right?
Hope you like my first attempt at an English Luc Bat poem, I know I butchered it quite terribly.
Oh, little butterfly
Today, you have to die, hear me.
Nature’s cruel, I’m sorry
“What’s the point of beauty,” I ask
“If it can never last.”
Close your eyes, and relax your wings
No need to keep fighting
My kiss, paralyzing venom.
So, this is the end of
A painful, tragic love story.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! on 2/14/2023 10:00:32 PM
It's a good thing that I don't like sweets.
Done. Hopefully I'm not too late.
Need help! on 1/28/2023 5:28:31 AM
Need help! on 1/28/2023 5:16:03 AM