Craynsford123, The Reader

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4/26/2024 6:14 AM

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Die rolls on 2/13/2024 7:48:26 AM
That's brilliant, thank you.

Die rolls on 2/13/2024 5:07:42 AM
Can anyone send a few links to threads explaining die rolls please.

Rearranging order of links on 7/11/2023 10:52:42 AM
Thank Darius, Thank you Mizal.. ill try that.

Rearranging order of links on 7/11/2023 7:30:24 AM
Hello, Is there a way to be able to rearrange/alter the order of the links on a page? Thank you in advance.

Issue with $DEST on 2/8/2022 9:55:53 AM
Sorry Mizal, thanks for pointing that out!

Issue with $DEST on 2/8/2022 9:55:30 AM
no I didnt wow, How stupid of me.. Ill fix that, sorry for wasting your and Mizals time but thanks for pointing that out to me :)

Issue with $DEST on 2/8/2022 9:43:18 AM
The script is on the link on page 180

Issue with $DEST on 2/8/2022 9:42:08 AM
Yeah I do use that option, it's very handy, it shows the %EXPCOOKING variable at 300, I wonder if that variable and the dest request have to be done on the same link?

Issue with $DEST on 2/8/2022 9:35:10 AM
There is another one called %EXPCOOKING which is the one being increased by 300, so i set the link script to this IF %EXPCOOKING <= 100 THEN $DEST := @P181 which is why it should work

Issue with $DEST on 2/8/2022 9:33:54 AM
yeah, I mean, it's all adding up correctly so that is why I am confused