KristiaRen, The Reader

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8/27/2017 1:09 AM

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Hello, everyone. I dread the "about me" section of my profile.

I don't know what to say of myself...  XD

I'm currently working on two story games. They may take anywhere between a month and a year to publish.

Now, I just have to figure out how to write the stories  :)

Recent Posts

What is an "Order"? on 1/26/2017 11:16:41 AM

Oh, can i have a chocolate frosty/milkshake/ice cream, please?

Erotic Novels on 9/14/2016 10:30:09 PM

I read erotica, and have written short scenes.  (I should do a cys-style erotic adventure)

My favorite series is by Jacqueline Carey. 
The Kushiel's Legacy is split into three trilogies:
* Books 1-3: Phèdre Trilogy
* Books 4-6: Imriel's Trilogy
* Books 7-9: Moirin's Trilogy
I have only read books one through three. It's not only erotic, but there's actually a storyline. (And a good one!)

The other series is by Lorelei James, called Mastered.
Bound Unwound, Schooled, Unwraveled, Caged.
The main male protagonist of Bound owns a martial arts Dojo. *grins*

Edit: Also, I do NaNoWriMo, too.

Superhero Names on 9/12/2016 4:36:06 PM

I like Slipstream! (I might give that nick to my phaser.  :)  (The character who has the power to phase)

(...Or to the one that has power over time...) Gah--choices!

Superhero Names on 9/11/2016 11:26:19 AM

I just today decided to have a superhero branch to my story. *grins*

Others that come to mind, @DrkPhoenix are: Miasma; Phoenixti; Incuro; Gambit; Ink; Sinestra; Aquila, Perseus; Ursa; Canis; Cygnus; Serpentia; Princess; Oracle

Superhero Names on 9/11/2016 1:50:37 AM

Here are some:

Strike; Fission; Abyss; Bast; Arachno; Mercury; Shadow; Ghost; Giga; Onyx; Mantis; Foil; Flay; Wing; Turbo; Granite; Snare

Sonic's motivational thread. on 9/9/2016 2:59:44 AM

You should be able to set the speed on that thing. I haven't used it in a long time. (I might relook it up, lol)

Story games for guys on 9/9/2016 1:18:16 AM

I would say that's speciest... (for species)... but that only includes living objects.  lol

So... Matterist? (For matter)

Story games for guys on 9/8/2016 2:31:22 PM

What if said going left or right in/at a 'restaurants for doors' dictates with whom one interacts, thus determining (say, a relationship, or what a spy sees) the rest of the story's plot lines? 

As for my part, I might say which side of the restaurant to sit on... Instead of "left or right at the door"--that part would be confusing to me as well.

justinwantsagf is back... with a new name on 9/7/2016 11:12:39 PM

What about capitalizing a proper noun? 

The Berenstein Bears on 8/31/2016 9:06:32 PM

I remember the A being in the first syllable, as opposed to the last. BerenstAin (the correct way)--BerenstEin (the alt. U theory way)-------BArenstEin (is where I'm weird), lol.