Memories can be easily warped by time. The human brain, according to a study, doesn't remember non-critical things for more than five years, but you can remember memories of things from more than five years ago... And a lot of shit can get lost in translation. I remember specifically having been driven around in a purple van as a kid, that was the car my parents had when I was little. But, we gave that car to our relatives, and I saw a picture of them in it not long ago, and it was maroon. I remember playing with legos on the floor, and an ad came on for Masters of Disguise. I thought the voiceovermun actually said "Starring the Snake Charmer, the Golfer, and the Turtle Guy!" as they went through the guy's appearances. And I don't even need to rewatch the ad to know that, if there even was a voiceover, they sure as shit didn't say that. The sounds of Long A and Long E, as quickly said as they are in the intro, are easy enough to become interchangable in the mind, especially after years and years of not watching the show/reading the books, and only hearing last names that end in -Stein.