RavensBack, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

2/5/2025 11:18 AM

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Duel Stats

0 wins / 0 losses





Yes, yes. If you have an IQ of at least 50 you've probably figured out who I am. Yes I'm the flaky writer who talked too much and got banned on my original account, Ravenic_Virtue. I will own up to that and take responsibility for my actions. What you DON'T know is that I've still been keeping tabs on this place every so often, because despite everything I missed this site. Plus I'm stubborn :P. I made this account because I found the CYS history thread again and realized Ford, the one who basically bullied me the most last time when my first account wasn't banned, is MIA. So I thought I'd come back. To the moderators, don't worry, I'm not here to talk your ear off. It should be easier for me to ignore forums now that Ford isn't instigating. Anyway, I'm going to go at my own pace and fade to the background, where I belong. When I think I'm ready, I'll make more of an appearance in forums and whatnot again. Who knows, I still own some people a Thunderdome battle and I own Master a story for another contest at some point. 



To Alienrun, HI BUDDY!!!! :D Sorry I've been silent on Discord! I've recently gotten a new job and I'm still doing classes. But I haven't forgotten you! :D I never forget my friends! I'm just trash at checking texts and DMs. :,)


To Lady Thara, you are still my CYSian idol after all this time! :) (Tho Type Cat is a close second cause she is so kind and sweet and an all around wonderful human being. Er, I mean cat. lol)


To the mods, I greatly apologize for my actions from months ago and will do better this time around. 

And congrats Fresh for becoming Master's fifth daughter! :D


'They lit the fires under our feet
Chased us into the hills, oh
They let the wolves off of the leash

Shoulda finished the kill....'

- Outsiders by Au/Ra


“When we’re growing up there are all sorts of people telling us what to do when really what we need is space to work out who to be.”

Elliot Page




Check out this sticker I made for college classes! She's gonna get turned into a 3D model next! :D


Oneshot Stop

A collection of short stories centered around different themes, such as Joy and Wonder or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, Anger and Abuse. Other topics might include Fantasy, Horror, History, Childhood, or Coming Of Age. 

Reader discretion is advised as some topics can be triggering, graphic, or downright gruesome.

Recent Posts

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 2/2/2025 10:58:31 PM

Correct. It is so I can plug a pic of it into a 3D software and make a 3D version of said character. So I have to be detailed with a turnaround, thus why it's taking forever. 

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 2/2/2025 10:57:30 PM


What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 2/2/2025 10:56:53 PM

That actually made me emotional. Omgosh. You believe in me...? :,o


I won't let you down. O7

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 2/2/2025 10:27:51 PM

I had planned on doing that today, but I had a character turnaround to work on and a work meeting at 8 my time. Not I'm going to take a shower and head to bed. Luckily, I don't work tomorrow, so I can finish the turnaround and then the story. :)

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 2/2/2025 1:32:53 PM

Infinity Nikki and Sky: Children of the Light. 

Thunderdome 19: Anthraxus vs Wildblue! on 2/1/2025 12:44:13 PM

Amazing stories all around! Congrats Anthraxus! And good job Wildblue! 

THUNDERDOME on 1/31/2025 11:04:20 PM

Well, whatever Wuthering Heights is written in, I can't understand it. 

Also, I think this is the time I shut up cause I realize I'm reverting to old habits. -_- 

Night y'all. 

THUNDERDOME on 1/31/2025 11:01:07 PM


THUNDERDOME on 1/31/2025 11:00:08 PM

I will. It's just hard for me to understand some of them. And I actually own Wuthering Heights. I got it recently because it sounded good and the reviews for it were great, but I just could t for the life of me understand the Old English. :,)

THUNDERDOME on 1/31/2025 10:48:28 PM
