abnotwhmoanny, The Reader
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Religion poll on 1/5/2015 8:27:18 PM1) Agnostic with atheistic leanings
2) None
3) Baptist
Adding Variables on 1/5/2015 8:22:36 PM
Thanks. Good to know that this place has a helpful and supportive community.
Adding Variables on 1/5/2015 8:00:15 PM
Yes, but the standard engine doesn't seem to support adding one variable to another. Now I'm sure I could write up a basic statement to do it with a little experimentation even though I don't have any previous experience with HTML, but I'm not sure where to write it.
Adding Variables on 1/5/2015 7:17:55 PM
First of all, Hi, I'm new here and I'd like to try out this engine to see if I can make any good stories out of it. I've written a few short stories before and made a few (largely unsuccessful) attempts at making a full length novel.
Choose your own adventure stories have always been a favorite of mine growing up and the concept of being able to track variables and give the reader not only multiple variable dependent choices, but also choices with possible different outcomes based on variable sounds amazing, but I've hit a bit of a snag.
Is there any way to add a variable to another variable? I want to create a story similar in concept to Bill Murray's Groundhogs day only over the course of multiple days with the ability to "replay" different chapters with the main character having foreknowledge of the events that will take place. It makes sense that "stats" relevant to your mental state (Intelligence, Patience, Willpower, ect...) would transfer with you, but your physical state would revert to it's state at that time. I was hoping I could use variables like CHP1CASH and CHP2CASH to track your state at different points and just set a displayed variable DOLLARS equal to that amount when starting the chapter.I think I've got a very basic background with programming and I think with a bit of experimentation I can figure out how to implement the scripts I need, but I'm still not clear on where I should be writing these scripts.