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Religion poll

10 years ago

I have to say, I'm impressed by the variety of religious beliefs we seem to have here. Just to satisfy my curiosity, I'd love to see who believes what... at least among the people who are willing to post to this thread.

1) Theist, atheist, or agnostic:

2) Religion, if any:

3) Former religion(s), if any:


Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist, atheist, or agnostic: Atheist

2) Religion, if any: None

3) Former religion(s), if any: Orthodox Christianity

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) agnostic?

2) emphatically none

3) Christianity 

Religion poll

10 years ago

1. Theist I guess, it's closer to what I believe than Agnostic.

2. No preference

3. Christianity, Mormonism, (Looking into Buddhism and Judaism, mostly to learn.)

Religion poll

10 years ago


I think there's truths in every single one of them, (Except blatantly ridiculous things like Pastafarianism, Jediism and Scientology) tbh. Really no sense in debating which one is "The most right".

Congregational Christian

Religion poll

10 years ago
Theist - though extremely different and unique to my own imagination xD


Baptist? I don't know. I went to a Christian church beyond my will when I was young - didn't like it, nor did I understand what was going on.

Religion poll

10 years ago

1.Atheist/ Looking into Pastafarianism

2. None

3. None

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist. 

2) Presently Christian, looking for somwhere to learn Hebrew to convert. 

3) None so far. 

Religion poll

10 years ago

1: probably agnostic

2: judaism

3: nada

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist

2) Islam

3) None

Religion poll

10 years ago

1: Atheist until proven wrong (which I've heard some people say is agnostic).

2: None.

3: None, unless you count the usual "praying because my parents wanted me to" when I was a child, and even then, I never took any of that seriously.

Religion poll

10 years ago

1)  Agnostic.

2)  Nothing.

3)  Baptist.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Theist, but realistically I hang towards agnostic more if it's Einstein's definition of a Creator.

Roman Catholic.

Nope, I've been one my entire life.

Religion poll

10 years ago

1. Agnostic.

2. None.

3. None.

Religion poll

10 years ago

1. Theist

2. KindasortaBreslov Judaism

3. None

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Atheist (though you can be an agnostic theist/atheist)

2) LaVeyan Satanist (though I only identify myself as such when trying to prove a point)

3) Christian Baptist

Religion poll

10 years ago

1. Atheist

2. None

3. Catholic 

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theistic Agnostic
2) Hedonism
3) Christianity

Religion poll

10 years ago

Hedonism is a religion? 

Religion poll

10 years ago

Dude - if Scientology counts, I say Hedonism counts.  Plus, it's the only thing I practice religiously.  ^_^

Religion poll

10 years ago

Hey man, the Scientologists are pretty serious about... Cthulhu?  

Religion poll

10 years ago

No. They are serious about Xenu. Put filth not on the name of our holy lord Cthulhu by associating it with such a religion!

First, you throw my fellow furries and I in the same boat with WC fans, and now THIS!? Why, Malk, Why do you aim to offend me so!?

Religion poll

10 years ago

Xenu is actually the Scientologist's version of the "devil", so while Xenu is SERIOUS BUSINESS, they don't worship or like him.

Someone should make a splinter sect of Scientology revering Xenu and teaching what a great galactic warlord he was and how he was just making the tough decisions to maintain order in those days.

Religion poll

10 years ago

I tried, but I got sued. I also don't know enough about Scientology. Wikileaks has failed to give me the full book.

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist

2) Roman Catholic

3) None

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Agnostic with atheistic leanings

2) None

3) Baptist

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist, atheist, or agnostic: Agnostic

2) Religion, if any: None


3) Former religion(s), if any: Lutheran

Religion poll

10 years ago

I believe there is a God who I may or may not have discovered yet. I'm not an Orthodox Christian cause it would be hypocritical to claim such when I do nothing in my life to save my soul and reach theosis.

1) Theist (?)

2) I don't think so. The occult seems fucking retarded

3) Orthodox Christian but dunno if my faith ever was strong.

Funny how studying the religion and liking it more drove me away from it :(

Religion poll

10 years ago

By your definition, you're a Theistic Agnostic... just so you know.

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) atheist

2) not sure. I haven't seen any reason why I should believe a religion beyond a shadow of a doubt as most religions call for.

3) Christianity.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Morgan, what "variety of religious beliefs" did you see? :p

Religion poll

10 years ago

Judaism, Islam, a couple kinds of Christianity, Buddhism, and Satanism. Looking at the poll, it's obviously skewing towards 'none', but even so, I don't think any two people have the same answer to all three questions. I just think it's interesting... and hopefully I'm not offending anyone with my interest in a subject I no longer really have a personal stake in.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Aman and I had the same for all 3.

Religion poll

10 years ago

He said 'probably' and you didn't!

...okay, okay, I missed that. XD

Religion poll

10 years ago

Yeah,but it's not really accurate, ha ha, seeing how I'm Orthodox while you're a conservative. XD 

Religion poll

10 years ago


Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist

2) Christianity

3) None

Religion poll

10 years ago


Conservative Judism.



Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Atheist

2) None

3) Anglican Christianity, Buddhism

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Agnostic

2) Anglican Christianity

3) None

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist

2) Christian Non Denom

3) None

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist, atheist, or agnostic: Agnostic

2) Religion, if any: None

3) Former religion(s), if any: Catholic, Buddhist.

Religion poll

10 years ago

1. Theist/agnostic.

2. Trying to learn about other religions but not actually following any.

3. Christian

Religion poll

10 years ago

Really? Which ones are you considering?

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist

2) Christianity

3) None

Religion poll

10 years ago

I do believe that there is a higher power out there, not saying god per-say, but I do believe that there is someone/something watching over out lives.

1) Agnostic

2) Christianity (Just started getting back into the religion.)

2) Humanistic Buddhism (When I was little, now that I look at it that's definitely my former religion)

Religion poll

10 years ago

That's basic Theistic Agnosticism, Mtactical.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Oh well, I was just giving everyone some info about me.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Oh, I wasn't criticizing or anything - just helping people learn.  As The Amazing Atheist points out on occasion, Agnostics tend to fall into the "Theistic" and "Atheistic" categories.  I tend to believe Atheistic Agnostics are more reasonable than all-in Atheists.  I mean - it's not like either side has proof for or against a God.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Yeah, I agree with you completely. There is no proof whatsoever about the existence of a higher power, and thanks for the extra knowledge, Lex.

Religion poll

10 years ago

No problem.  :)

Religion poll

10 years ago

>As The Amazing Atheist points out on occasion

Anything you've ever said all ever will say on this forum has just lost all value to me.

Religion poll

10 years ago

I was appealing to his fans.  Although he is often entertaining, I disagree with his hard-line stance on Evolution being an indisputable fact.  Most everything else he says is pretty good, though.  If that opinion has me lose value to you, so be it.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Evolution is an undisputable fact...

Religion poll

10 years ago

True. When people say that though, they are usually reffering to Macro Evolution, which hasn't been proven yet. (there's evidence for it, but nothing concrete, I believe)

Religion poll

10 years ago

Wikipedia article is confusing my few remaining brain cells.

Can you explain the difference between Macro, Micro and regular evolution?

Religion poll

10 years ago

Micro is, (from my understanding) evolution of animals/humans to adapt to their enviorment in small changes. That's what Darwin recorded on the galapagos. 

Macro is the evolution from one species to another, like the proposed move from homo-____ to homo-_____ over time. 

Evolution is a blanket term for both. 

Religion poll

10 years ago

Thanks for the clear up.

Religion poll

10 years ago

I'm actually referring to the misappropriation of the word from its original form and intent to include adaptation to lend credence to what, by any account, is clearly a faith and not a science.

Evolution (which hasn't been proven) should only refer to the complete change of one species to a completely different one - say, fish into men.  Adaptation is the only thing that can be proven... and not even full-on gay-bashing, redneck, sign-holding "Christians" would argue that fact.

Religion poll

10 years ago

I just can't take seriously anyone who watches a "man" like TTA. Yeah, he has some fair points but it doesn't change that he is a boring moronic fatass who boiled his microdick.

Religion poll

10 years ago

XD  When did he boil his dick?  That would've been hilarious.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Wait? You haven't seen the videos? They are glorious. I was into his vids back when I was 12 and I remember making him some Q and A or some shit like that and making jokes like "I was bullied cause I'm huge, everything on me is fat. Except my dick, that's tiny". He wasn't lying....

He literally has a video of him boiling that tiny thing and also spreading choco all over his private parts and then sticking a banana... fun times for our internet hero.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Who on Earth are you talking about? 

Religion poll

10 years ago

A youtube vlogger.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Huh - I must've tuned in after he was done with the click-bait and had moved on to more respectable hot button issues.  Oh well.

I guess we all have pasts, and they're all dreadfully embarrassing.  ^_^

Religion poll

10 years ago

Nope, he was big on youtube, already doing shit about feminism, Libya, etc. He is just a perv.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Yeah, well James Franco loves t-girls and waifu pillows.  Still find him intelligent and entertaining, though.  ;)

Religion poll

10 years ago

The chimp guy? Meh.

Haven't seen much of him. He is into that waifu shit? I thought he was 2pretty4that.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Apparently no one is these days. It just depends on how low you're willing to go?... What the fuck is a waifu anyway? Is it what happens when someone thinks "Martial arts" and "Marital arts" are the same thing? (Because, Wife-Fu, right? OLOLOLOLO) Seriously, though, what the flying fuck is it?

Religion poll

10 years ago

Animu retards use "waifu" (from wife) to refer to real or (usually) fictional character they are in love with. And there are some anime pillows shaped like and with the faces of animu characters and they sleep with them. Get it?


Religion poll

10 years ago

Oh... Oh god that's scary... I got shivers....

Religion poll

10 years ago

From what I know of it, the pillows are waifus, anything more (resembling an actual body) is a dutch wife (or some other Japanese word), and the top-of-the-line are those Real Dolls (which actually look kinda neat - Link is NSFW).  The entire gamut of customers (poor will get waifus, rich will get Real Dolls) is generally Japanese.  I watch enough internetz to know about these things by mere reputation, even if I had no other interest.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Dude... That's a little far for CYS. 

Religion poll

10 years ago

Now you responded to it and we have to wait for a mod to come online.

Religion poll

10 years ago


Religion poll

10 years ago

Guys, this was edit-locked by mistake. 


Religion poll

10 years ago

Already did. 7 times.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Stop fapping and get back to forum-ing.

Religion poll

10 years ago

And the pillows aren't waifus btw. Waifu is just the girl, who happens to also come in pillow. This fine gentleman has a normal interaction with his waifu:

Religion poll

10 years ago

Never seen or heard of that show. Looks trippy.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Archer is hilarious. 

Religion poll

10 years ago

I second that sentiment.
Archer is even better than Futurama.  It's like The Venture Bros. had a baby with Titan Maximum.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Gotta check it out then.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Please tell me that guy was joking.  >_<

Religion poll

10 years ago

Hahahaha! The link is great Lee! Though, I don't recommend it for everyone on this site...

Religion poll

10 years ago


Don't link to NSFW sites.

Religion poll

10 years ago

My bad.  Didn't know that was a thing here.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Meh, the post will just get deleted. Just don't post anything NSFW.

Religion poll

10 years ago

Cool.  But everyone involved gets the gist of what I was saying, then... I hope.

Religion poll

10 years ago

I really want to spring into a debate about why god exists, but that's a story for another forum post

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist

2) Christianity for eternity (not to sound like one of those stuck up kids we all know)

3) I used to believe that doctors had to cut babies out of every pregnant women's stomach (this is only a former belief)

Religion poll

10 years ago

1. Agnostic I guess

2. none

3. Catholic: Mainly because of parents

Religion poll

10 years ago

1.Theist (that means believes in one god, right?)



Religion poll

10 years ago

Monotheist is a believer of the existence of a singular god.  Theist just means that one believes there is a god /gods.

Religion poll

10 years ago

So I AM a theist! Thanks for clearing it up, I didn't know that theist meant MONOtheist.

I am a dumbass

Religion poll

10 years ago

Still got it wrong.

Theists are people believe that an entity OR entities of power exist to as leaders OR creators of humanity.

Monotheists believe that only ONE entity created everything that exists.

Polytheists believe that at least more than one entity had a hand in making all that exists.

Religion poll

10 years ago

1. atheist

2. n/a

3. none

Religion poll

10 years ago

Let me just answer 1 and 2 in the same thing) I don't really know what to believe. It is hard to believe some divine being or beings created the world, but at the same time anything is possible. I think religions are social constructs that develop things like morals. If there is some truth in religion, then it probably is divided amongst all of them. I feel that it is a sort of arrogance to assume that one religion is the absolute truth. Given that most religious text were written by humans, there would have to be some fault there. I also don't  like the idea of any divine being or beings being critical of people for not believing in it. If such a being(s) exists and punishes those who don't believe in it, then that being(s) are not worth worshipping. I doubt an afterlife, though the existence of one would comfort me a lot.

3) Although I never really believed in it, I was baptized and raised sort of Roman Catholic. 

Religion poll

10 years ago

1) Theist, atheist, or agnostic: Theist

2) Religion, if any: Christian (Raised as a Northern Irish Baptist, which is different from the South American Baptist. Currently non-denominational)