hamburgerfish, The Reader
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It's a short little WWII story about killing an evil leader named Guemacho. Good luck!
It's Cold.
You need to outsmart me and get me to say zero! if i say 0 you win! We start at 25 and count down. I win if you say 0. If you can get me to say "0", you win!
Check the I choose thing on every page. If you find the page that says "I pick" YOU'RE SO LUCKY! Record that in your comment if possible.
You need to beat three stages to complete the game. Sorry if you don't like it but i tried my best. It's as good as I'll get for a first game. Hope you enjoy it! (If not, that's okay too, but remember: THIS IS MY FIRST GAME!) Uh, good luck and have fun anyway!
happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy
You are locked in a house with 3 rooms. You are trying to get out but the door is locked.
This is RPS! It's mainly using RPS's you have to try and win. This has RPS pictures... hope you enjoy!
It is your first day back at school. A new boy, Ron moves to the school. You play from Monday to Friday (Starting with Monday) and have to survive the five days of school.
Recent Posts
Fish Filet on 2/2/2008 12:07:00 PMFish Filet on 1/12/2008 9:05:34 PM
Best RPS streak(s) on 12/29/2007 2:03:15 PM

ITS HERE!!! on 12/7/2007 6:51:09 PM

ITS HERE!!! on 12/1/2007 5:43:41 PM
ITS HERE!!! on 12/1/2007 5:42:09 PM
confusing question on 11/18/2006 5:06:27 PM

confusing question on 11/5/2006 5:28:32 PM
confusing question on 11/5/2006 5:24:54 PM
A man who had visited the north pole many times died of cancer. The last thing he had got was 100 million-dollar bills. Some of the explorer's friends came to his mansion three days after his death for a funeral. A man named Joe came but stayed in the living room. He says that he was "the man's best friend and was too sad to visit." but another man was down there too, and he said the same thing, but he never told his name.
A few days after the funeral, the bills were reported stolen. Joe and the man who had no name were immediate suspects. I was warned of this and went to the mansion to investigate. I entered the Exploration Room after checking 5 other rooms and found no money. In the Exploration Room, I saw large tunas on stands, lots of paintings on the walls, and boats. Near the misddle of the room was a statue of a polar bear on a pedestal. 12 little stuffed penguins were in a ring around the bear's feet. There were multicolored oars all over the walls.
After I searched all the rooms, it dawned on me that the thief could have buried the money, but I forgot that there were guards and survey cams were all over the place.
I questioned Joe about the north pole, and when I was finished, I knew exactly who the thief was and where they hid the money.
Crack the Case #2 on 11/5/2006 3:47:17 PM