hellbane, The Reader


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4/17/2020 2:36 AM

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I don't like being a faggot, even though I am on 4/12/2020 6:37:59 PM

so kindly pat yourself on the back for setting me straight

I don't like being a faggot, even though I am on 4/12/2020 6:37:28 PM

I'm 23... and i hate people, and cats. I also don't like being told Ooh, shiney objects, like I'm 3.

I don't like being a faggot, even though I am on 4/12/2020 6:36:01 PM

I'm 23 fucko

I don't like being a faggot, even though I am on 4/12/2020 12:03:44 AM

Don't tell me to go earn trophies and crap like I'm 3, attracted by Non-existent shiny objects and praise from some people i will never meet or know. I will rate a story if i feel it's worthy, and I'll keep my nose out of other peoples business, because i ain't no rat because someone is a snowflake.