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This bug was closed 1/10/2024: user ignorance. ctrl+shift+v

Copy and Pasting Script

7 years ago

I've noticed that when I copy huge chunks of On Page script from a page where it works, it tends not to work on the page I copy it to. For some reason the copy and paste action seems to change the font and size of the text that says the variable names to the standard size and font, and no other places. I write in Arial size 14, so I change everything to that (ballache), and the disrupt in font seems to make the script fail to work. When I copy and paste smaller bits of On Page script it seems to be fine and doesn't change anything, though when I copy and paste script which I know it all Arial size 14 it changes. In fact, it does it in this text box, too (below). All of the variable names are the standard size and font. Weird. Also, sometimes when I copy and paste text, it changes it to a dark shade of grey slightly different to black, but noticeably different next to black text.


Copy and Pasting Script

7 years ago
Try copying it, pasting it into notepad, then copying and pasting into the new page.

I also would recommend switching to the non-rich text editor. Most people don't need the fonts and pictures that come with the fancy editor, and the basic one doesn't have the spacing issue.

Copy and Pasting Script

7 years ago

I have done; I get the same thing. Weirdly enough, though, it's only for the name script I pasted in the OC (which is, admittedly, the only really huge piece of script I've tested out). It's not really causing me any issues, because I can just change the font and colour back. I just thought it might be a bug.

I would do, but my story requires a few different fonts for various reasons. What spacing issue are you talking about?

Copy and Pasting Script

7 years ago
Completely unrelated to your issue, but if you're doing a lot of font switching you may want to have a sighted person confirm it doesn't look like ass before you publish.

Though you'd be surprised how often people with perfect vision manage to make terrible decisions there too...

Copy and Pasting Script

7 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion. I only have a few, but I'd prefer to keep them. I'll bear that in mind, though the majority of my story so far has been combing through it for hours looking for any minute mistakes, so I'm pretty particular about how it looks. I might make a thread asking if anyone wants to give it a quick scan through before publishing, but that won't be for at least a year anyway (probably), so I'll leave it for then.

Copy and Pasting Script

7 years ago

Again, with the same code, I've come across another weird thing. Sometimes, on pages with that code, it seems to affect the links to other pages if the colour, size, and font aren't all completely consistent throughout. I get been getting that error message when I run through pages with the script on, and I found that it can be resolved just by reclicking all of the colour, font, and size for the whole page. Then the links work fine. 

Copy and Pasting Script

7 years ago

Paste with the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+V or click the "source" button and paste it in there. If any HTML formatting gets in between the code, it won't work; using either of these methods should ensure that the text is pasted without formatting.