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This bug was closed 1/10/2024: In the intricate dance of debugging, your reported issue has found resolution at my hands.

Unpublish Message

5 years ago
Upon hitting the "unpublish" button, the site says you'll lose all your ratings for the story. I have it on good authority that's just not the case. I vote to remove it.

Unpublish Message

5 years ago
Seconded. It's very misleading. Or rather, completely false. That message must've been put there ages ago for an old version of the editor or something, idk. I've had even people who have been here for years asking me about this and scared of unpublishing for edits because they think it will wipe their reviews.

Unpublish Message

5 years ago


Unpublish Message

5 years ago

This feels more like a bug. I can't remember easily anymore, is there any affect on ratings for unpublishing? I think it updates "x ratings since y" text... does it knock you out of contention for Top Games, etc? If so, can someone write up a better wording.

Unpublish Message

5 years ago

I've unpublished and republished my stories a few times to fix bugs and the like, doesn't affect the ratings but does, in fact, reset the "x ratings since y" line as well as the number of times the story has been played and finished.

Unpublish Message

5 years ago
Republishing messes with the date, but that's a separate issue. (As for what Chris said, I've never paid attention to that and have no idea, I haven't had to unpublished something to edit it in awhile.)

What we're talking about is the warning when you go to unpublish:

"Are you sure you want to unpublish A Stack of Cats? The following items will be deleted upon unpublish:

22 Saved Games
66 Ratings"

It says the ratings are deleted, but they're not. This makes people unwilling to fix typos and things unless they know better. I think you get the question mark again when you republish, but the old ratings are still visible and they all get recognized and calculated in again the first time someone (even the author) rates the game after it's put up again.

Unpublish Message

5 years ago
Indeed. In fact, the way rating and numbers are used and calculated is complete mystery to nearly everyone on the site. There are lots of "I think" and "I heard," but it is quite confusing and very unclear (perhaps very intentionally to keep people from gaming the system). Because of that, I support simply removing that one line that says "XX Ratings" (will be removed) from the unpublish option. That's all, just remove that line. While that may not make anything more clear, I think it might help, as mizal pointed out, so that people aren't afraid to unpublish and republish. As for how things are calculated, I think that's a different issue. If that's ever worked on and it actually becomes true that those ratings are removed, then this line could easily be added back.

Unpublish Message

5 years ago

I’m aware.

I’m saying we should replace that text with text describing the actual effects of unpublishing.

Unpublish Message

5 years ago
Ah, I see. That would be nice... if someone can actually figure out exactly what those effects are... :)

Unpublish Message

5 years ago

Having unpublished / republished a story recently, I can state that these were the only effects I noticed:

based on X ratings since DATE
played Y times (finished Z)

  • X remains the same
  • DATE is reset to whenever the story is republished, not the original date
  • Y is reset to 0
  • Z is reset to 0

Otherwise, all of the reviews and ratings remain the same. It just appears that a lot of people reviewed your story before it was published.

Unpublish Message

5 years ago


Unpublish Message

5 years ago
And that's one part that bothers me: it says X ratings since DATE, but X did not change and DATE did, so that statement is simply not correct!