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Storygames with | in the title

4 years ago
The links the site creates for these (on the Exp page etc.) just take you to an error page. If you copy and paste it converts it to %7C, but what's actually needed is ~7C. It would make sense to just block the character from being used if the site can't handle it.

Storygames with | in the title

2 years ago

successfully replicated

Storygames with | in the title

2 years ago
I'm guessing this is just something in the big basket of unicode errors Nightwatch has been chasing down.

Storygames with | in the title

2 years ago

I think it is, it is not displayed properly either when using the preview feature even if it doesnt crash
it's a low priority bug but listing every bug does includes that kind of stuff ^^


Storygames with | in the title

2 years ago
this reply is more late than a fossil, but yep, storygame url titles are part of the unicode changes I was on. I'm keeping that one for myself until I finish it since I already did unicode for most of the forum part of the site.

Storygames with | in the title

2 years ago
Found another place where the unicode messes up the link: on the my/comments.aspx page. The links don't have the unicode, so they don't work right.