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'Uh oh you broke it' error in link

3 months ago

Sometimes I'm editing a page and when opening the Variables Changes in a link, this is what happens:


I'm still logged in and I can work around it by closing tabs and going back to the Advanced Editor » Properties page & starting again.

I have a hunch something's timing out or losing track of stuff. Any ideas?

'Uh oh you broke it' error in link

3 months ago
I have passed this along to the code nerds.

'Uh oh you broke it' error in link

3 months ago
Commended by Ford on 4/7/2024 8:42:26 PM
Someone should fix this soon.

'Uh oh you broke it' error in link

3 months ago

'Uh oh you broke it' error in link

3 months ago
I wonder if anyone is fixing this one. We don't often feed our code monkeys, so things can get a little crazy...

'Uh oh you broke it' error in link

3 months ago

You use monkeys? We always find a squirrel hits those keys pretty well if we keep throwing nuts at them