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Recent bugs

6 days ago

Two bugs that I've been noticing on the site recently: 

1) After writing an article and submitting it to the moderators for review, nothing pops up except for a system error page. After checking with moderators, it's confirmed that articles are not being sent for submission.

2) Not entirely sure if this is a website problem or just something wrong with my account/phone, but for some reason I am completely incapable of sending new messages. I can still reply to old ones, but no new message threads. 

Quick edit: problem number two begin happening last night.

If someone could look into these issues and repair them when convenience allows, it'd be appreciated.

Recent bugs

6 days ago

I just tested sending a few PMs and as far as I know they went through.

I dunno, maybe check to see if you don't have your PMs turned off or something. Maybe log out/log back in and see if that helps.

Recent bugs

6 days ago

These sound more like "features"

Recent bugs

6 days ago

Good one!

And yeah I'll check it out, and if nothing improves, head to a library to see if it's a technical difficulty on my end.

Recent bugs

6 days ago
2) If it's a case of the buttons just not working when you try to send, are you on your phone? Try going into browser settings and checking Desktop mode.

That used to be an issue that would pop up for some people anyway, haven't heard of it in awhile though.

Recent bugs

6 days ago

Much appreciated. Thank you!

Recent bugs

6 days ago

Who yoinked your profile picture

Recent bugs

6 days ago

I did. Still trying to decide on a new one.

Probably gonna commission an art piece and use that.