Feeling already depressed about your poor choices and the vicious mockery of your poor choices and sexual orientation, you feel 100 times worse when someone suggests that you get a belt since they also work as a rope.
This old CYS chestnut is soon followed by various other suggestions on how and why you should pop your cork. It’s pretty terrible and you don't take it well.
You immediately log out to avoid any further abuse, unfortunately you foolishly keep lurking long enough to see that the thread is continuing to beat your self worth into the dirt. Worse, one of the admins archives it so even if it gets deleted it can always be found to be referenced and laughed at again.
You suppose you could just go on with your life and never visit CYS again, but for some inexplicable reason you can’t do that.
Having nothing else but the hopeless crushing reality to look forward to, you see only one way out.
You grab a belt…
**************** YOU HAVE DIED *****************
CYS Cred -1000
Emo +1000
Life -10000
Final Rank: CoGite