I’ve been gone a while.
Sometimes I still side stalk the site but mostly I’m busy with school and stuff, doing my college boy thang. All of a sudden though, my life was forever changed when our teacher said “Hey, you have two days to make a game, wowza have fun kiddies! ;))” and BOOM! Through passion, skill and a perverse love of shoujo we did it, boys. We made a game.
It's like a typing/visual novel diddy about a top-tier husbando bot who has to manage his anxiety on a knock-off Olive Garden date. Breadsticks and shoujo galore. I'd super appreciate it if you took a look.
--Oh, and we're going to PAX because of it!
This is like... A prototype. A widdwe bwaby biwd, you could say. In order to graduate into full blown EFF YEAH AMERICA majestic eagle status, i'll need some input! Here are some things we're working on:
---- The game will be a little longer. We might implement a save system.
---- When pressing N for the HNNNG, for example, all the N's appear at once. We will doctor that.
---- We will be adding original music. If we have time voice acting as well, but at least small noises.
---- Some general redesign concerning the layout. Probably more VN like.
Alrighty! That's what I know so far. Gimme some feedback, it's all appreciated. (?•`?•´)?? We want to make it beautiful for PAX!