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This Kawaii Sim Date Will Lower Your Credit Score

6 years ago

  I’ve been gone a while.

  Sometimes I still side stalk the site but mostly I’m busy with school and stuff, doing my college boy thang. All of a sudden though, my life was forever changed when our teacher said “Hey, you have two days to make a game, wowza have fun kiddies! ;))” and BOOM! Through passion, skill and a perverse love of shoujo we did it, boys. We made a game.


  It's like a typing/visual novel diddy about a top-tier husbando bot who has to manage his anxiety on a knock-off Olive Garden date. Breadsticks and shoujo galore. I'd super appreciate it if you took a look.

  --Oh, and we're going to PAX because of it!

  This is like... A prototype. A widdwe bwaby biwd, you could say. In order to graduate into full blown EFF YEAH AMERICA majestic eagle status, i'll need some input! Here are some things we're working on:

---- The game will be a little longer. We might implement a save system.

---- When pressing N for the HNNNG, for example, all the N's appear at once. We will doctor that.

---- We will be adding original music. If we have time voice acting as well, but at least small noises.

---- Some general redesign concerning the layout. Probably more VN like.

  Alrighty! That's what I know so far. Gimme some feedback, it's all appreciated. (?•`?•´)??  We want to make it beautiful for PAX!

This Kawaii Sim Date Will Lower Your Credit Score

6 years ago


This Kawaii Sim Date Will Lower Your Credit Score

6 years ago

Only for you <3

This Kawaii Sim Date Will Lower Your Credit Score

6 years ago

While I'm no expert, I'll mention two super general things that I hope you don't forget about.

  1. Make sure the volume is not too loud or too quiet, it can be hard to get right, but it will stick out bad if it isn't handled properly (specially any 'small noises', no one wants to be jump scared in your game... I think).
  2. Proofre- err, play test! I'm pretty sure you don't have a big team, but I feel that if you play test until you are sick of your game, then it'll all be good. Just don't skimp out on going through the things you went through a couple times already, since you really want the final thing to work properly!

Anyhow, good job on doing something, but you better finish it! Polishing a 'widdwe bwaby biwd' can be difficult, so make sure to put the effort in. Even small improvements can make a world of difference, so don't underestimate them!

P.S. Oh do still proofread, anything that involves writing should be proofread. Proofreading is important (albeit not that fun to me)!

This Kawaii Sim Date Will Lower Your Credit Score

6 years ago

Thank you for the advice!

We have 4 artists and 1 lone code slave, which is a bad balance but we're all very passionate about the whole thing. Plus, we're steady friends. The version we have out is completely playable as is but we are hoping to...evolve it, pokemon style. We are also playing the crap out of it and I think we've caught most of the bugs (for now). If you give it a try, I would love to hear from you!!

This Kawaii Sim Date Will Lower Your Credit Score

6 years ago
Needs more tentacles.

This Kawaii Sim Date Will Lower Your Credit Score

6 years ago

Already in the team only patch, friend.

This Kawaii Sim Date Will Lower Your Credit Score

6 years ago

Wowzers! I always thought you were a girl!

This Kawaii Sim Date Will Lower Your Credit Score

6 years ago

I am actually a girl but I have a tendency to refer to myself as a Precious Baby Boy out of amusement.

This Kawaii Sim Date Will Lower Your Credit Score

6 years ago

Wowzers! I was initially correct!