So, Yesterday i was fucking around with Google translate, for reasons unknown to me now. So, then i copy and pasted the entire song Boulevard of Broken Dreams (By Greenday if you are so- nevermind) thats when i had my idea. I downloaded a free software recording software, then recorded every single word of that song (No repeats) in the google chick's voice. then i played each file and renamed them via the word in the clip, and then used Audacity to trim each clip. Then i downloaded the instrumental part of the song, and imported the entire folder with all the words and such into FL Studio i definately bought it dont look at me like im trash you fucking peasent. as well as the instrumental. Then i began putting the words to the music, timing being crucial, but im probably only 40% done with the song part, so let me know if you guys would be interested in hearing it or not, and ill add a google drive link later.
BTW: The entire process above took me about 7 and a half hours, not including breaks.
Also, not sure if this message belongs here or in The Lounge, so ill just have to risk it being here. as it is creative, and the rules don't say no posting music in CC so :P