
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 9/10/2019: This is more work than it might appear and I'm not convinced about the value prop.

Clear Notifications Button

5 years ago
I'm probably just crazy, but it kind of irks me that notifications continue to hang around even after you've seen them. I'm not suggesting having them immediately be wiped once you see them and/or click on them, but having a button to clear notifications would be a cool thing to have. I imagine this might get rejected due to low priority, but still, might as well give it a shot. Hell, maybe it exists in some out of the way place and I'm stupid.

Clear Notifications Button

5 years ago

Can you expand on this and what issue it gives you?

Clear Notifications Button

5 years ago
It's not really an issue so much as me just being an autistic sperg and disliking my notifications page not being squeaky clean and empty. Then again, if I want it to be squeaky clean and empty, I could go back to being a lurker who contributes nothing to the site.

Clear Notifications Button

5 years ago

If it's non-bold, then it's already seen. This is actually consistent with how notifications work in most places.

Clear Notifications Button

5 years ago
No, yeah, I understand that. I just don't like the notification hanging out there even if I've already seen it, if that makes any sense. Yes, it clears out after a while, but having the option to delete notifications manually would be nice. Though I'm probably the only person who feels this way.