
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was accepted 5/8/2021: Good idea, this is done in a local branch, needs to be merged
This feature was completed 5/15/2021: Merged

Trim Comments on Main Page Display

5 years ago
Comments are starting to get crazy long. In some cases they're making the main page of the story look silly. I do realize there's an additional page for all comments, but what if there were a chop off at a character limit for comments? It might be much cleaner on that main page of the story if only the first 5-10 lines or so of any comment were displayed, but with a "more" or something for someone who wants to view the entire comment.

Trim Comments on Main Page Display

5 years ago
You have code access. Why don't you just get set up and do it yourself?

Your other options are Killa, who can't get anything he does pushed through without someone else to test it, or waiting for 3J and hoping his vision lines up with yours and that he feels like doing this during the window of time he's active.

And you already know all this so I'm not sure why I'm explaining it or what the point was of this thread.

I guess it might be something to ask @Bradindvorak about though.

Trim Comments on Main Page Display

5 years ago
If I could find someone to help me figure out the error I'm getting... but you already know that.

I'm thinking of buying a new computer just to try and make this work...

Though I'll be stopped just as much as Killa with the testing and pushing.