
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was accepted 8/15/2023: possible and "awesome ^_^" | frontend JS solution most viable

Tell you what'd be awesome? ^_^

4 years ago

Being able to rearrange links to new pages. I'll tell you, in games that involve a lot of variables and coding, it's annoying as fuck when you're making a game. You've got three links on a page saying something like:

Select Option A

Select Option B

Give Up

You do all the long and complicated bits of coding you need to do with all the variable stoppers and variable adjustments, and item stoppers and item adjustments and shit. Then later on you realize... "Oh shit, I need to add Option C."

Now, of course, Option C needs to go between Option B and Give Up... But you can't rearrange the links, so you're going to have to delete the "Give Up" option and remake it... which would be fine, except you have to do all the coding and shit all over again. (And then you forget something in the coding, and the link doesn't work properly and you have to go back and spend ages trying to figure out what it was you did wrong... It's super annoying.)

So yeah, it's be great if you could just rearrange the links, so you don't have to keep deleting old links and then recoding the all over again. ^_^

Tell you what'd be awesome? ^_^

4 years ago
I don't know how feasible this would be to add...dragging the links around is probably out, but even if we had little arrows to click that would be great. There's definitely been situations it would've been convenient for me. Questions like this have to be directed specifically at Killa though.

Tell you what'd be awesome? ^_^

4 years ago

When I made a battle system for one of my games, this was a big problem.  I ended up just making each link setting a variable, something like %ACTION that brought you back to the same page and everything, including the link text, was just defined in the page script.  Then the order didn't really matter because I could just change whatever I needed.

Then I just stopped messing with it.  It all worked, though.

Tell you what'd be awesome? ^_^

4 years ago

... @Killa_Robot

*Poke poke... Poke poke...* ^_^

Tell you what'd be awesome? ^_^

4 years ago
Why would you delete "Give Up"? Why not just make a new "Give Up" link below it, copy all the scripts from the original, then turn "Give Up" into Option C?

Anyway, the order right now is just the order it loads in the links from the database, which means its the order they were created. I'd need to add fields in order to hold all the new orders. It's doable, but would be pretty low on the list of things to be done.

Tell you what'd be awesome? ^_^

4 years ago
The actual script itself is easy enough to transfer from one to the other, but it's just all the link restrictions and variable modifiers and stuff that are a pain in the ass... Also, it's rarely a case of adding Option C and remaking Give Up. It's more often a case of adding Option A.2 and remaking Options B through G :p

Tell you what'd be awesome? ^_^

4 years ago
Yes, the link restrictions are pain. I ran into this with my cat stacking game on the page where there's 39 links set up.

Tell you what'd be awesome? ^_^

4 years ago
You could always big brain it and use links on an orphaned paged, then use on page variables (or pagetext) to add in said links to the relevant page.

Using the postback link Zikrara did:

Just add logic to determine if its shown or not.

Now that I added the link id as something you can see while hovering the destination it should be an easier process.

Tell you what'd be awesome? ^_^

4 years ago
This looks complicated, so no.