
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was accepted 2/16/2023: Useful and doable.

Toggleable Review Notifications

2 years ago
I think it would be really neat if we could have a notification appear like the message notification or the "new response to post" notification whenever someone leaves a review on your game. This idea came from me checking my game decently often for a month or two after it came out, usually to nothing, then checking the other day to a really helpful review. After a while if it's not a popular game you just don't think to check anymore, and it would be nice to not have to worry about that. Obvouisly toggleable so authors like EndMaster who have 1000 great games aren't flooded with notifications all the time. I'd say the notification priority should be above forum post and below message. It would be ideal if you could enable this on a game by game basis, but that sounds a lot harder without much benefit.

Toggleable Review Notifications

2 years ago

Hmmm. I kinda' like this idea.

You should make a post about getting a notification every new rating on your story-game as well. Or when someone changes their rating. Haha.

Good Ace, good Ace.

Toggleable Review Notifications

2 years ago
I can't tell where the sarcasm starts and ends :( I'm 95% you were joking about the rating suggestions, but obviously that's different because 1. My Page is checked a lot, where you can see changes in rating and 2. ratings are a lot easier to get than reviews and are anonymous and as such I don't mind if I miss a couple. If the feature existed I'd turn it on, but it's not important enough to suggest.

Toggleable Review Notifications

2 years ago

Bitch, I was serious.

Now I see why nobody likes you. 

And I thought you were okay. Who do you think was commending your comments?

Well, no more. Just like every other person, I dislike and wish you bad fortune.

Good day to you, sir.

Toggleable Review Notifications

2 years ago
Patented L Ace move™ Burning bridges since 2005

Toggleable Review Notifications

2 years ago
You know you can go to My Stuff > Comments instead of each individual game?

Toggleable Review Notifications

2 years ago
I actually wasn't aware of that, that's helpful to know. Though I still think this idea would be very helpful. When you haven't written anything for a while are you really going to be checking comments regularly? It also increases motivation to leave a comment on an older game, since the author has a higher chance of seeing it. Though that point is a little moot with the fact there's a comments page, since if the author is active and still checks that page it'd be found anyway. I just think that if someone goes through the time and effort to leave a review then it'd be nice to as an author be notified of thaT. I know I get a little rush of internet excitement when I get a pm notifcation or a comm notification, and I think that it's not only important to be able to know when a review is posted, but also it provides the same type of excitement those things do. I know when I check the storygame, or I guess comments now lol, I feel that excitement at a new review, so it'd just be nice to get that in notification forum. And I don't believe it would be too hard to implement? I could be wrong, but there's a notification system already. There would just need to be a sensor for when a review is posted and notify the author of that storygame. Though it could be a lot harder than that, I'm not sure.

Toggleable Review Notifications

2 years ago
I'm not against it as long as it's simple to add and off by default.

I know I wouldn't want to have to swat half a dozen notifications off the screen over something like this:

This game mid+ skill issue+ ratio +yb better
A Stack of Cats
James the fourteenth (Score of 0)
10/7/2022 1:46:01 PM

A Stack of Cats
Henry (Score of 0)
10/7/2022 8:37:35 AM

u suck
A Stack of Cats
this was too hard (Score of 0)
10/6/2022 2:47:03 PM

Very fun, love the nanme "snowblob" funny ending
A Stack of Cats
Assyla (Score of 34)
10/6/2022 1:22:36 PM

A Stack of Cats
Hi (Score of 0)
10/6/2022 11:14:28 AM

this wires is impossible. DO NOT DO IT UNLESS YOU ARE GOD AT LOGIC!
A Stack of Cats
daniel brand (Score of 0)
10/6/2022 11:14:22 AM

A Stack of Cats
45 (Score of 0)
10/6/2022 11:08:58 AM

yo dis was good
A Stack of Cats
joe (Score of 0)
10/6/2022 11:02:02 AM

Toggleable Review Notifications

2 years ago

Does not sound too hard to implement, and I don't see a reason not to have it, if it can be toggled.