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Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.

More Ranks?

8 months ago
I don't know if this has been suggested before but would it be a good idea to introduce more ranks above Grandmaster of the Written Word (4,000 points)?

This site has been around for twenty years or so now and I think the number of people who have achieved Grandmaster is somewhere around 50-100 (There's at least 20 admins or mods who have achieved it including a dozen with infinity points). For those of us who have achieved the highest accolade that the creators of non-existent and meaningless titles can bestow upon us but are still intrigued by the possibility of achieving more high-sounding (but sadly not financially rewarding) titles would be worth coming up with additional levels up to, say, 10,000 points? It could be relatively easy to implement.

As more time goes on more and more players will hit 4,000 points, find the reward system runs out, lose motivation in their lives, let themselves go mentally, physically and spiritually and ultimately sink to the lowest levels of human degradation imaginable and finally, having been rejected by even the furry community, embark on careers in law or even (shudder) politics. Can we save people from these hellish fates by creating vast numbers of meaningless, but fun-sounding titles? I believe we can. :D

More Ranks?

8 months ago
Most veterans get a custom title after grandmaster is no longer satisfying. New ranks is a relatively easy change, if people have suggestions that can be agreed upon. With the next economy it may come in handy to have new tax brackets.

More Ranks?

8 months ago
Didn't you say something once about wanting stars instead of new ranks?

...oh, why am I asking you to remember a thing.

More Ranks?

8 months ago

Guest 0 Points
Reader 50 Points
Contributor 100 Points
Wordsmith 200 Points
Dramatist 500 Points
Novelist 1000 Points
Apprentice Scrivener 1500 Points
Journeyman Scrivener 2000 Points
Expert Scrivener 2500 Points
Master Scrivener 3000 Points
Grandmaster of the Written Word 4000 Points


Guest: 0 Points
Long-term guest: 100 Points
Thinking about staying around: 500 Points
Has actually been here awhile: 1000 Points
Okay, we believe you're staying: 2000 Points
Starting to overstay your welcome: 3000 Points
What the hell are you still doing here?: 4000 Points
You have no life at all: 5000 Points
Okay,your points are probably fake: 10000 Points

More Ranks?

8 months ago
0: dog shit
<500: dog fart
<1000: dog water
<2000: fart
<3000: water
<5000: water with lemon
>5000: dog
infinite: dog (big)

More Ranks?

8 months ago
0-100 You get no title because you have no worth and no value to anyone
101-500 You get a single dot as a title because that's all you get
501-1000 Your title is "insert title here" because you still haven't really earned anything
1001-2000 You have earned the title "cystian," but it's lower case because you might not really be worth anything yet
2001-5000 Finally, you can be "CYStian"
5001-7500 You can choose your own title, but it will only be implemented after 2-4 years because that's how long it takes to update things on this site. Oh wait, we already have this level, don't we?
7501+ You either have the title of "admin" because you're an admin or "cheater" because you probably didn't earn those points

More Ranks?

8 months ago

Guest 0 Points
Reader 50 Points
Contributor 100 Points
Wordsmith 200 Points
Dramatist 500 Points
Novelist 1000 Points
Apprentice Scrivener 1500 Points
Journeyman Scrivener 2000 Points
Expert Scrivener 2500 Points
Master Scrivener 3000 Points
Grandmaster of the Written Word 4000 Points


0-100 Guest
101-200 Casual Reader
201-500 Novice Apprentice Reader
501-1000 Apprentice Reader
1001-1500 Journeyman Reader
1501-2000 Expert Reader
2001-3000 Master Reader
3001-4000 Novice Apprentice Scrivener
4001-5000 Apprentice Scrivener
5001-6000 Journeyman Scrivener
6001-7500 Expert Scrivener
7501-9999 Master Scrivener
10000+ Grandmaster of the Written Word

More Ranks?

8 months ago
Any jump of 1000 points or more all at once permanently changes you to "Admin's Pet"

More Ranks?

8 months ago
wait why even bother with points we made the fuckin worth algorithm specifically to put members I've never heard of to a number and everyone is a percentage of End

More Ranks?

8 months ago
Are you going to make worth an official profile stat?

More Ranks?

8 months ago
yeah, just made a branch with the main algorithm code snippet

More Ranks?

8 months ago

Unless I'm meant to divide it by ten, I don't think mine is a percentage. 

More Ranks?

8 months ago
Your worth is 30.1%, I just checked.

More Ranks?

8 months ago

Thanks, for some reason, it's 164.36 on my profile. 

More Ranks?

8 months ago
The "worth" on the profile from the extension is calculated in a different way than Lar worth.

More Ranks?

8 months ago
profile equation:
100 * (
# featured storygames count as 6
(0.27 * (storygames + 6 * featured) / 10)
+ (0.20 * Math.log2((points / 3000) + 1))
+ (0.20 * Math.log2((commendations / 200) + 1))
+ (0.12 * Math.log2((posts / 1000) + 1))

# `trophies` only counts member trophies, contest winner, lucky dueler, bug hunter, top rater
+ (0.11 * trophies / 8)
+ (0.05 * articles)
+ (0.05 * contributor)
) * (yearsActive / 3) ** 0.22

Lar percentage equation:
(0.40 * Math.min 1, featured / maxFeatured) +
(0.10 * Math.min 1, storygames / maxStorygames) +
(0.10 * Math.min 1, points / maxPoints) +
(0.10 * Math.min 1, commendations / maxCommendations) +
(0.09 * Math.min 1, posts / maxPosts) +
(0.08 * Math.min 1, trophies / maxTrophies) +
(0.07 * Math.min 1, contributor / maxContributor) +
(0.06 * Math.min 1, articles / maxArticles)

The new site worth equation:
= (featuredWeight * userFeaturedCount / ???FeaturedCount)
+ (storygameWeight * userStorygameCount / ???StorygameCount)
+ (commWeight * userCommCount / ???CommCount)
+ (trophyWeight * userTrophyCount / ???TrophyCount)
+ (articleWeight * userArticleCount / ???ArticleCount)
+ (postWeight * userPostCount / ???PostCount)
+ (pointWeight * userPointCount / ???PointCount)
+ (contributorWeight * contributorTrophy)
+ (lastActiveYear / currentYear ? 0.0 : -10.0) ;

Where ??? is meant to be a member or admin with the "ideal" or "reasonable maximum" to strive for (ie End can't be this for points cause he has 100k+, a warden can't be this for comms, the dutch cannot be this ever, etc). Contributor is binary cause you either have the trophy or dont. The weights are as follows:

featuredWeight = 0.40,
storygameWeight = 0.30,
commWeight = 0.08,
trophyWeight = 0.08,
articleWeight = 0.05;
postWeight = 0.03,
pointWeight = 0.03,
contributorWeight = 0.03;

The worth equation was made to mimic how cystians value eachother. Nobody values duels, points are close to pointless, being inactive for over a year makes you more worthless every second, etc.