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Organized Chaos: Editor/Co-Author Needed

10 years ago

I've been working on a CYS for about a year now. It's called: "Organized Chaos" (the title is still a work in progress), and is a school-based game about a boy named Frank who is chosen to attend a public school in the nearby Greenwood City versus going to the prestigious college prep in his hometown. The story is set to be on a larger scale as I am already an experienced story-teller. But due to the larger scale of the story, I am unable to check for mistakes as thoroughly as I would like. Therefore, I am asking for any interested co-authors to assist me. The work will mostly just consist of editing grammar, spelling, gameplay errors, etc and for general feedback on the story, characters, etc. If you are interested in writing a piece of the story than it will be most welcomed, but not necessary. If you would like to view a sample of the story, please post below or contact me privately.

Organized Chaos: Editor/Co-Author Needed

10 years ago
I could help, but I'm working on 2 games right now, so it'd be a little slow.

Organized Chaos: Editor/Co-Author Needed

10 years ago

That would be fine. I'll add you, and if anyone else is interested, I'll accept one more person.

Organized Chaos: Editor/Co-Author Needed

10 years ago

I would like to assist.

Organized Chaos: Editor/Co-Author Needed

10 years ago

Alright, thank you. I'll add you on. I'll only be posting previews of the game for now on for general feedback. Might create a separate thread for that though.