Haha yeah, I could tell you got that from wikipedia :P. The Original Libertarians were basically just anarchists, but modern Libertarianism is based off of the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Her philosophy is pretty basic conservative philosophy (not American Conservative, actual Conservative. Think limiting government rather than forcing your beliefs on others) like the government shouldn't interfere in peoples' lives and that the free market should exist. She also fucking hated Socialism and wrote several fictional novels about dystopian Socialist societies. They're decent.
Libertarians today basically just argue smaller government in every aspect. This includes schools, road funding, foreign intervention, healthcare, if you name it they'll say the government shouldn't tell you what to do in it or that the government shouldn't be wasting its money on it. Libertarians themselves range anywhere from what I call the "Live-and-Let-Live" Libertarians where they basically just say "The government shouldn't tell them what to do" (think cases like abortion, marriage, and marijuana legalization) all the way to anarcho-Libertarians who belief that the government should be basically nonexistent by taking away all funding programs, police forces, postal services, upkeep personnel, and only keeping a large enough military to defend us (and do so without taxation.... yeah, you read that right). But Libertarians range from everything in that spectrum, and it's probably one of the most diverse parties I've ever seen (I've even seen pro-life libertarians which I thought goes against what they stand for but he explained it in perfect libertarian logic). However, I give it as much a chance of actually succeeding as a Communist government, as in you need to alter it from the original ideology in order for it to function.
But it relates because he's saying that it sounds like it should be something else. When you think "Libertarian" think "Vegetarian". Get it? Eating liberties. It took me a little while but I thought it was funny when I got it ^-^