im pretty possitive that noone really notices this but i was looking at the list of games and i seen the pictures of the game difficulty. (you know, 1-all smiles, 8- looks like me after my research methods in psychology tests). anyway, they seem to go in succession but i was not too comfortable with level 6. the smily face is frowning. i could go and change the level and all but the point is simply this... i dont feel comfortable with a frown on my game. lol maybe a slash rather than a frown would be better. you know, the "im not sure about this look" rather than the "Im gonna frown cause i dont like this game" look. lol just thinking aloud again.
FYI -- I talked to choco about this, and this is something he is thinking about.
Got any ideas on how to grapihcally represent difficulty? For length we have a bar, rating is stars, but what should difficulty be?
i think the faces are actually great. i just felt tht the frown doesnt represent difficulty. is there anyway that you could put like sweat on the faces? that could represent someone working hard to finish the game. maybe color? make 8 a dark red face. Make 7 an orange. and make 6 a pink or something to that effect?
I will make sure to mention this to chocobot. It's a good idea. we are limited with 14 by 14 pixels, so it might be difficult to do things like sweat.