This is the first page of a story I am working on... thoughts?
Your parents car bumps along the highway, snowflakes swirling past the window you stare out of in the back seat. It's 8:20 pm and you've been driving all day to your Grandparents ' house, where you'll be staying for a week during Christmas vacation.
All of your aunts and uncles, including your five annoying cousins and one mentally unstable cat, will be there too. You're an only child and you wish you could have found a friend in at least one of your cousins, but so far, no such luck. It's been a while since you've seen them, though, so they'll be a lot older... and hopefully nicer.
You wonder if you're Aunt Betsy is out of jail yet. She got arrested a few months ago for drug possession. Everyone in the family is slightly embarrassed about her.
You look out the windshield to see your car turn onto a long, uphill driveway that disappears into the mass of flurrying snowflakes after a few yards.
You mentally review everyone who will be there in your head.