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New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

Hey, I'm here to announce my newest game, the Path of Death. I hope you all enjoy it. You play as Dagden, an Orc captured by the Grand Necromancer as a child. It's the largest game I've done so it'll be long enough unless you get one of the shitty, early on endings like dying or just wandering off forever. It's set in the same universe as Mazkil, so it's really a spin-off. I'm quite disappointed to have released it late when the main character is called Blaise and the 3rd was St Blaise's day, but I deserve it for my laziness.

Well, that's it. I hope you all enjoy it. My thanks to @Mizal for beta-reading this for me, he was a great help and ironed out many of my screw-ups, and without him this game would be much, much worse. So anyway, here's the game:

(I still haven't learned to make things clickable. My bad)

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago
Click here to play The Path of Death.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

Thank you, Breezy.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago
No problem. I will add it to my "to read" list... :P

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago
Definitely plan on reading this, either tonight after the Super Bowl (unlikely), or tomorrow (likely). I see it's an 8/8 in length. Did you start this after you had already finished Mazkil? If so, that's some damn fast writing. I certainly can't write that fast, but I'm slow as a turtle with three legs.

Below is the HTML for a hyperlink. I can never remember it, so I just copy paste it from here.

a href="url">link text

Except you enclose the entire thing with the less than greater than signs. (They try and make it a hyperlink if I put them in to show the actual code. EDIT: Actually, just check out the link... this didn't work out how I intended.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

IIRC he said Mazkil was originally supposed to be part of it until it sort of spun off and became it's own thing.

I was surprised to see how quickly a couple of ratings popped up, I wouldn't have believed it was possible to finish that quickly unless you were deliberately trying to get yourself killed (as I did in order to post mine) and there were no comments made.

It's long enough you may have to clear some time if you're wanting to sit down and read it all in one go, but I'd say everyone who's even remotely interested in fantasy owes it to themselves to experience it one way or another. There's some twists on fantasy stereotypes but in an interesting and believable manner, and it has such great characters. With the story so long you feel like you really get a chance to know them as the years go on. 

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

Aw, I'm blushing. Thanks, Mizal. Also, thanks, Bucky. There's been so many times where I should've put in a link and had no idea how to.

Yeah, Mizal's right, at one stage this was a branch of Mazkil, hence the name Path of Death as it would've stood opposite Mazkil's Path of the Soldier and Path of the Chieftain. To be honest, not a lot was salvageable from the original, and the only things I kept was Blaise, Reaper Castle and Necromancer Trant. There was loads I wanted to write for it, and a lot didn't really click with Mazkil's plot, so I made it its own thing.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

Sweeeeeet!!! Cant wait to read this

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

Cool, sounds like I'll have to set some time aside for this one.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago
I can affirm that. I just finished reaching an epilogue 'esque' ending after spending several hours sifting through. This was absolutely fantastic.

A must read. Amazing work, Steve.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

Thank you. May I ask what ending you got? There should've been a title to it, to avoid spoilers.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago
Ending: A Future for the World

I had intended to copy paste that at the end of my excessively long comment, but I distracted myself.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

I got a couple of different endings, but ultimately I settled on “A Future of the World” because the one where the God being just snaps his fingers and wipes everything out seemed a little too easy.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

I just have to say, it is kind of bullshit the (lack of) response this got considering how good it was, and the amount of work put in.

I'd like to revive that idea that Bucky brought up in his review, about the site having a random pool of stories they draw from for the Top Rated sections, because IMHO this was absolutely feature worthy, though at the same time I always hate seeing another, equally good story shoved out of the top slots.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago
I mean, we do it on the front page, and I think it's simpler than splitting the fantasy category into two sub-genres. Unless the pool gets really big, we wouldn't even have to have the annoying debates about what story to un-feature in a category. I've never read the rules for posting recommended features to the wishing well, and don't intend to, at the moment.

(I've been trying to kick my lazy butt into gear and finish this blasted short story I've been working on for far too long. Finally making some progress again today: and don't want to ruin it.)

But if someone else puts it in there, I'll throw in my support for the motion.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

I'd like to take the time to firstly say how incredibly nice and helpful Mizal has been to me, and to reiterate that she is (to my knowledge) not a sock account that I made to sing praise about my game, and is just a fantastic person and great help.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

Hah, I just saw this. I promise I'm not locked in the same basement, either.  :-Please send help

I just loved the Achilles games and Path of Death too, and huge, epic games like those involve so much work and are rare enough that I wish they'd get more attention when they did get published. It's been annoying me just a little lately how many more ratings and reviews all the tiny, shitty games are getting in comparison...I keep catching myself doing it too because rating a bad game takes about two minutes and it's easy, while I keep finding myself putting off the better games because I want to wait to clear time to give them my full attention, but of course in theory we're all here to read good games, not bad ones.

New Game: The Path of Death

9 years ago

It's been a while sense I've read a really good in depth story on this site. This is the best I've new story I've seen in a while and I enjoyed it alot.