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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Hello. I'm not sure how many of you play COD, and even less, Zombies. If there is anything you want to talk about it, I have ALL the maps. Takeo is the best! My high score on BO2 is round...what? 35? I think that's right XD! If you don't and your interested, let me know!

COD Zombies

8 years ago


COD Zombies

8 years ago

I bet some of you play it secretly but you are afraid your girlfriends will see you and think you are a nerd. Then they will take you to Mars to feast on you. They will offer your brains to the Martian King, Donald Trump. He will toot on you and, as he is the devil, becomes huge and bellow, "Eye wll pown U n00bs!" Then he will fly off to start his presidential campaign on Earth. The End.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

What in God's name are you on about, boy?

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Everything. Everything, Malkalack.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

...Uhhh... I don't know what you guys are talking about. I like Tank Dempsy, but you guys are getting eery. You two should probably box or bang and get rid of the tension.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

That's nasty, bro. We were just kidding around! But yeah, Tank is pretty cool. Do you play him on Origins or the Original Prophecy?

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Hey man, nothing nasty about it. Love is love. I like Tank Dempsy new World War I Tank Dempsy in Origins and the newest game the most, although every now and again I have a soft spot for a bit of the more rage filled version. I much prefer the Test Subjects whose main team name I can't remember to the guys from the bus.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

(You are gay). So anyway, I f****in hate Richtofen! He kills Samantha....

COD Zombies

8 years ago

(Nope, don't think so. Girls are far too attractive for me to pick dudes). Hey, WW1/Origins Richtofen isn't bad. He's pretty kickass, trying to fix the timeline. Also, Samantha's a little bit of a bitch. You can't trust any of the Maxis clan any more than evil Rictofen, as shown in the easter eggs where you help them take control.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Yah, I take the soldier's sides. Not too much Richtofen or not too much Maxis. And don't sympathize Samantha! They are all evil and greedy in their own ways.....

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Most of them are assholes. All the Prisoners in Alcatraz, all those ones in the Lovecraftian Place and every German (Ever. Even those not in the game.).

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Dude, that's some Anti-Hitler! Also, I have some German blood, too. But anyways, my favorite map are the "Green Run" maps. I love the objective to just survive. I really hoped they would add something like that in BO3.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

1. You're making a very, very generous assumption in hypothesizing that the reason we haven't responded is because we're pretending not to like the game because we have girlfriends. In fact, that's rather the last assumption I would ever make about anyone on the internet. At all. Ever. I'm actually flattered.

2. What do you think this is, fucking Roblox?  This is a website where people can do other things besides post on the forums. Believe it or not, the people you're talking to might not actually be there. Magical, right? Just because nobody responds in the first fucking hours doesn't mean that nobody here plays CODZ. They could just not be responding because there's other threads they'd rather be posting in. For all you fucking know, they could just be playing COD Zombies rather than responding because they don't feel like discussing it and would rather be on there  than sitting around talking about it.

3. "I'm not sure how many of you play COD, even less, Zombies". Zombie mode is literally the only reason to approach any of those money-grabbing shitpiles.

4. Now, moving on to the part about them thinking we're nerds... Have you ever seen the way nerds are treated in society anymore? Has the horribleness of the Warriors fandom finally warped timespace and brought you here from the 80s to live in our futuristic time period? Nerdiness these days is somebody NOBODY GIVES A FLYING FUCK ABOUT. Do you know the kind of shit you'd have to be into to be considered nerdy by the average person these days? You'd have to go on about Icepick Lodge games or HP Lovecraft and shit during a discussion about the media. Call of Duty is Jersey-core shit. It is LITERALLY what the Jocks come home and play after a long day of giving 'gamer' gamers swirlies. You're an Avengers fan? Congratufuckinglations, so is everyone else who isn't an ardent Batman fan. There is nothing about being a nerd anymore that makes you socially different. Everyone does nerdy things. The line is blurred, and nobody gives a goddamn shit. Everyone who does is a sad, hypocritical relic, and everyone who considers themselves a 'real nerd' is just a hipster who can't find anyone who relates to his fandom.

5. And the girlfriends that I highly doubt anyone here has would take us to mars, because women are from mars and men are from venus. Haha, you switched the old phrase around, I see what you did there!... I mean, that's also generously assuming that you did put that much thought into it and aren't just being "HAHA I'M SO RANDOM AND INTERESTING LOL", when really, you're only the annoying one of those two adjectives... Are you sure you're 13? I just can't help but feel like you're younger than that.

6. Donald Trump is the king of mars, and there are self-respecting  ladies that would actually agree to follow him and actually bother living with humans on a planet as shitty as earth... Yeah. That makes sense.

7. What the fuck is a "toot"? You're on the fucking internet, Guzzi. I don't care how uptight your parents are. You're on the same website as Endmaster is. Even if your mom is like something out of Carrie, if you get into these depths of the internet, you can at least properly describe a fart like a real man and not with such ridiculous euphemisms. Donald Trump is a forceful, disgusting bastard! He would not look at the sacrificed brains of worthless nerd peasants and "toot" on them. He would be loud! Rude! Crude! He would bend over and unleash a furious, somehow Mexican-insulting lion's roar. He would shit on those goddamn brains with an airblast for the world to hear, and he would bellow, "Yer a buncha fekin' LOSAHS!" before flying off to start his presidential campaign on Earth, only to be voted out in favour of late-campaigner Nicholas Cage, because goddammit America.

8. It's pronounced "pOn". Everyone knows that, scrub.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Man, you really know how to be a jerk to somebody. That's not cool. Nobody is in the background laughing, saying, "Good one Sentinel! Take us to your Man Venus or whatever." You can be a dick.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Good one, Sentinel! Take us to your Man Venus!

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Heh heh....

COD Zombies

8 years ago

I'm not sure about what Sentinel would do, but if you come over to my Man Venus, I'll show you the several-hundred-degree latin heat that lies under the volcanic Venusian cloud layer, mino.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Wait, why are you admitting that you're not me!?

COD Zombies

8 years ago

There are few opportunities in life when you can make innuendoes about your Man-Venus. Sacrifices has to be made, ese.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

So...@ISentinelPenguinI , which one of you am I supposed to shoot, again?

COD Zombies

8 years ago

The one who's somehow from all Spanish-speaking countries and has some sort of black magic somehow discoloring his feathers into the Barcelona shield.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Can I check out the lava puddles?

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Quite frankly, I don't particularly care who's in the background making bizarre planetary innuendoes. What I care about is the simple unspoken rule of life: If you want to be funny, put some goddamn effort into it and stop spewing random idiocy, grasshopper. It stopped being funny to everyone older than you in the ironic age of 2012.

Now that I've gotten all of Malkalack's salt out of my system, I've basically come to tell you to keep working on it and avoid these disgusting pitfalls like randomness for its own stupid sake. Turd Stallone vagina gourd!

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Ok. BTW you type really fast and long stories. They are very enjoyable ^_^

COD Zombies

8 years ago

If that's sarcasm, this is the birth of a long rivalry. If not, ass-kissing.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Man, you guys are disgusting!

COD Zombies

8 years ago

What, that's disgusting? I wasn't even. I have a five minute rant about why God is dead and you should have sex with dogs if you'd like. I'm sure you'd find that worse.

COD Zombies

8 years ago


COD Zombies

8 years ago

I took a gamble and assumed you're religious for that, and I'm so glad it paid off.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

How does any of this have to do with COD zombies?

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Well, you called something pretty bland and banal disgusting, so that's how it started. Also, conversations get derailed sometimes. I was debating the Iraq War in the Bernie Sanders posts. Ah, the evolution of conversation.

COD Zombies

8 years ago you like RPGs?

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Meh. Not particularly.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

What's up with Chase? I heard he is being a dick about Achilles 3.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Not particularly. He's always a bit of a dick, but no more than usual.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

I like rpgs like the elder scrolls series or the fallouts and even some jrpgs like( monster hunters 2 on my gamboy).

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Have you thought about doing CYS RPGs?

COD Zombies

8 years ago

There are a few good ones, already on here.

However, if you are interested in writing one, I wrote an article on creating a leveling system.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

That really helps. If you are interested in RPGs, go to Forums>Forum Games> Future of CYS RPGs

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Oh, I thought you were talking about story-games, not forum games. My bad.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Oh, it's ok.

COD Zombies

8 years ago

Hey now, Roblox is the shit.