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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

New game and introduction (First Adventure!)

8 years ago

First Adventure!

Hi there guys..

.Just wanted to share this little game that i made in less than an hour, just to see if you guys like this kind of humor.

It's pretty short. Like, really short. You can play the whole game in probably less than 15 minutes.

Just see what you think!


I'm RodWarrior from Brazil, and I'm actually making a game on Twine. I'm looking for people that like humor. 

The game will be a more "Sandbox" like, with some RPG-ish stats, and a lot of variable tracking. 

It's probably going to be based around 2-4 villages, and the player can go around looking for quests, that are taken from a random pool. My idea is having lots of those, and each of them changes your stats, give you xp, money and also affects the villages and the others encounters.

If you want to talk about it, send me a PM and I'll respond as fast as I can. We can also chat on Skype, if you are interested in helping.

I need a little help specially in English, since it's not my first language... I can talk pretty well, but I'll probably need some help to really translate the game to English in the hope that you guys can play it.

Anyway, that's it for now.

The game link is:

Thank you for you attention, and nice to meet you!

New game and introduction.

8 years ago

The game was short and sweet, I didn't see any major mistakes with your English. Keep up the good work.

New game and introduction.

8 years ago

You made that in less than one hour? 

Damn son, CYS will definitely need your skills in the future. Same as Zag, I didn't see any mistakes. Keep up the good work, buddy.

New game and introduction.

8 years ago

Nice to meet you, too. I saw mistakes, but for a first game without English as your first language, it was decent. Gj.

New game and introduction (First Adventure!)

8 years ago

Welcome to the site~

New game and introduction (First Adventure!)

8 years ago

Thanks for everything, folks!
You're all awesome.


I was at work, so I couldn't respond.

I'm thinking of expanding this idea to test the Advanced Editor... But it'll be much longer and with lots of "advanced" stuff. I really hope you like this kind of humour.. hehehe...

I think making this little project was pretty cool, and I know it's not the most awesome thing ever... But I wanted to share my first experience with you guys, just because.

Also, I didn't know that the rating from the author counted for anything... My bad. Don't swat me with newspaper please?


Again, thanks! If anyone wants to talk about the game, discuss any ideas or just give me a cool constructive criticism, I'm here all night!


See ya!

New game and introduction (First Adventure!)

8 years ago

The author rating (as far as I know) does not count for anything. The advanced editor is pretty simple (Except when your working with variables, that is...). Thoroughly enjoyed your story. Expecting great things from you in the future! :D