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Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Endmaster's thread is still ongoing on the other site, it might be worth keeping track of, especially now that Okabe has posted. Since you jackasses got the other thread deleted, against my better judgment I'll make a new one. Keep this shit on topic this time, please.

I wasn't expecting him to respond at all, but it seems he's gone for the groveling approach:


He's a big fan of yours, End! I mean, we could tell, imitation being the sincerest form of flattery and all. None of your so-called fans here have ever been willing to imitate you to that degree. Clearly, they lack dedication.

Okabe sent me an identical PM with the whole 'at least try to see things from my point of view' attached. Which is A sincere apology to End and the community there is at least a step in the right direction, but I'm calling bullshit on his excuses. 'He was gonna give credit' is a straight up lie when from the first post on in the deleted thread over there he was claiming it all as his own. 'Like all of my writing this will be more about story...' etc.

I wish someone had had the presence of mind to archive that thread before they deleted it, btw. I just glanced at the first post and the last page on my phone. If anyone else who PMed him there got anything but a copy and paste of the same apology (he's good at using copy and paste, that boy...) feel free to share it, at least.

Anyway, having browsed their forums a little more, I can say with confidence that that place is a complete shithole. Please understand that from now on when I call you people idiots, I'm doing it in an affectionate 'at least you're not the Warlight community' kind of way. (Well, the two people from there who made accounts here last night were decent, at least, and I guess coins is a member...)

Which reminds if Endmaster wants to respond to his own thread, I guess he'll have to have coins post for him? The system they have there is still unbelievably retarded. I'd strongly discourage anyone else from posting over there, btw. The main issue has been dealt with with the plagiarized thread being removed, and any further threads made over there will just be deleted or at best, moved to where no one can post in them.


Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Meh, I wasn’t going to bother posting there anymore (Hell I haven’t even looked at that site again). I said my piece in the one post I made and it was pretty much wrapped up yesterday.

I thought it was something silly like the “big fan” thing anyway. Really, he could have avoided all this had he just linked to the original story.

Like I said, I’ve seen other people do forum games involving my stories before, but they usually at least post a link or say, “Let’s play this CYOA by End Master”

So the thread got deleted, Okabe got trashed and resorted to groveling, and some lulz ensued. All in all a victory.

A total victory is if he came over here and apologized of course, but I’m not counting on that happening.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago
*raucous applause*

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

I just love it when stories have happy endings. The good guys prevail and then there is a heartwarming celebration in which we shout Hip Hip hooray! Which is then followed by a nice epilogue, then that is followed by sequels and eventually, a terrible remake. So on and so forth.


On a serious note, I know you put forth a bunch of hours and energy to create the fantastic story games you are able to publish. For someone to try and take that credit, without exerting any effort on their part is quite frankly... um, not very nice. (I didn't want to say anything meaner.) 


Hopefully there was a lesson learned in this for the poor guy. Sounds like he really really needs a hug.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

He needs a hug...

...with a pool of acid.


Feel free to quote me on that, if you wish.

(dunno why you'd want to but whatever, do what ya wish.)

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Okabe is a fucktard. One of the members there (TeamGuns I think?) said that he said racist shits and other fucks too. A man like him doesn't deserve a hug.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Have a browse through the Off Topic forum and see if you can tell us, honestly, that any of that makes him stand out in any way.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Eh, don't have enough time for that. But I believe what TeamGuns said.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Yeah OT's this cancerous place mostly populated by people who don't actually play the game either (or really suck at it). It's weird.

Believe me, we've tried to get moderation before but the site's admin has fucked it up time and time again.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Wow. Hope it gets better.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Actually found them all quite funny except for the one about murdering infants and stuff. (I have an offensive kind of humor)

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

I've read, like, three of his posts, (Or two, if you only count the ones with his words in 'em,) but I've already had it up to here with this Okami Atari fuckbar. I know I apologize pretty self-depreciatively a lot of the time, but god fucking dammit, his whining about being pathetic is pathetic. So you're scum, we already knew that. Explain why anyone should care and/or forgive you, why don't you?

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

I find it funny how stupid some of the members are. Like, when End made his post a guy told him to use his main account. XD.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

And that guy Genghis who very kindly told End that if he wanted, End could steal some of his stories to make it even... ... ... Because... That makes sense. cheeky

Response from Okabe

8 years ago


Response from Okabe

8 years ago

I see it as a collectivistic "atonement for the group" sort of thing. It was a nice gesture, even if it seems rather silly to some of us.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Ughhh....this guy...I don't even...*Facepalm*

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

I guess I should be pissed off at this guy for stealing someone else's story and claiming it to be his own... But I'm just snickering at End's complaint that somebody else would copy/pasta his game. ^_^

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

To say the least, Copy Pasta tastes like dirt.

Mostly because it's a copy.


Response from Okabe

8 years ago

I would request a duel be taken place to take away whatever honor he has left.

Or have him beg for mercy in a well thought out, 5 paragraph apology with a minimum of 10 sorry's and 15 mercy's be included.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

1. What the fuck is Warlight?

2. Okabe's apology is pathetic, desperate and disingenous. He's a prick.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

1. Apparently it's like Risk, but you can make any map you want and all that shit. Shame about their fucking horrible music loop.

2. Like racists, plagiarists are less than people. He can't be a prick, because that's just his nature. He is beyond niceness and prickishness. Those aspects only apply to thinking creatures.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

1. What's Risk?

2. Nah, you need to treat them like people. It is wrong to burn a shark alive for acting according to its nature. It's super if you do it to a massive asshole.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago


You've never played Risk?

It's a (supposedly) American board game centered on world domination. Pretty simple, but takes a bit to finish.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

I'm Irish, we don't get every type of American board games, and I was born after the second world war, so I don't play a lot of boardgames.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

I just thought you'd played it before.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

Nope. The Irish apparently outlawed board games after WWII. I suppose it's for the best; those things can be damn dangerous with their sharp corners and small, inhalable pieces.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

DeValera thought the IRA would use them to plan attacks on assaults. So many Monopoly boards burned that day. The smoke blotted out the sun.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

What? Really?

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

I explained why they were. President Eamonn DeValera knew that IRA cells would use them to plan attacks on RIC and other policemen in protest of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, so he banned them.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

If the IRA think Risk is how conquest works, then it would probably help the police's cause to give them some sort of validation. What WWE is to martial arts, pre-Gary strategy games are to battlefield tactics.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

The IRA think the pope speaks the word of God except when he's being a little bitch, that the best way to achieve the peace you're going to get in a few years at most is taking on the British empire, and that the Irish language is good. Smarts isn't there strong sit.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

1. It's a board game where everyone starts on a certain region of a map with a certain number of war dudes. They get more war dudes every turn depending on how many regions they control, and whoever throws more war dudes at a region than the current number of war dudes in the region can handle wins the region and kills all the opposing war dudes in that region. Eventually two factions snowball out into massively OP armies with implausible numbers of war dudes and try to see who can throw more war dudes at the other. the game is pretty much determined within the first 10 or 20 minutes, when the player with the balls necessary to conquer a whole bunch of regions and gain the highest income of war dudes is established, and they can then spend the next 2 or so hours screwing everyone else over because nobody ever works together for very long and once one person gets bigger numbers, they can start strong-arming and brute-forcing their way across inferior numbers with their massive, massive amounts of war dudes...

Which is why the board game and most online matches have a limit on exactly how many war dudes you can have at any given time...

2. Sharks are cool fish with souls. Plagiarists are husks, plain and simple. If it's okay to abuse zombies, it's okay to abuse plagiarists, and racists, and rapists, and other parasite-infested un-people.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

1. Oh. Well, sounds boring.

2. Sharks don't have souls. They have fins.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

1. It's fun if you're in the same room as the other people playing with you, because then you can have conversations with other people and actually be vindictive in person. I don't understand the appeal of online for that reason, though. You'd have to be near basement-dwelling, EVE-Online-Playing, Fedora-wearing, Balding-at-age-15, immobile-obesity-level lifeless to acually take that shit seriously, unless you're all in the same room with your computers playing a custom map with infinite pieces. Simple board games aren't usually extraordinarily fun, they're just a bonding platform for people you're friends with. To want to play Risk with strangers on the internet baffles me, honestly.

2. Every shark has two souls. One for singing, and the other one for Shark Heaven. Sometimes they take other people's souls when they bit them, but not always. Soul Surfer managed to hold on to hers at the expense of an arm.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

2.) What if they're just partially racist? Like, maybe there's only one race a person doesn't like, or maybe they hate all of them, but just a little bit.

Or like say, if you hated straight white males quite a bit, would that give you bonus points to spend on hating some other group too without it being held against you?

The min-maxer in me feels l like there ought to be some kind of sliding scale here.

(Someone else will have to work out the qualifications for only being a little bit of a rapist, or a little bit of a parasite infested unperson though, I'm busy.)

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

There's no such thing. This and other accompanying scientific facts were clearly established during the last presidential election:

"And of course a racist in Ireland would want to retake the North. That's what Racists are: Illogical. If a White racist went to a Black Supremacist meeting, they would be forced by their primitive, hive-thinking brains to instantly become Black Supremacists due to their environment, so they are driven apart by fear of being converted in front of their racist peers*, when, in reality, racists of seemingly diametrically opposed opinions find themselves believing the same things and hitting it off rather well, because they receive the closest thing their central nervous system that controls their otherwise normal-looking imitations of sapient bodies can produce to a Happiness hormone from meeting a creature as equally stupid as they. As such, you have inherited racism against anthropomorphic animals due to your environment after having been encouraged by the non-racist beings around you, and are driven away from me specifically by your fears. 

*This is untrue for only a few exceptions,  notably the newer, rarer species of Racist known as 'Weeaboo', or any other varieties aimed toward other countries. Due to birth defects worse than the ones already necessary for Racists to form, (Likely from mutant genes caused by racist inbreeding) these ones possess assimilation reflexes that work the exact opposite way that normal racists do, and they will consider any culture in present company to be inferior compared to another culture they have not experienced yet."

-Silas Schock, Racist Hunter.

"Racists are not a people. They're a disease attempting to be a larger animal. You see, racism is not a choice. It never is. No actual person, human or otherwise, is capable of such levels of blatant ignorance. When eggs are fertilized, sometimes, unfortunately, a certain variety of micro-tapeworm invades the developing fetus and it becomes a racist, like you, spending the rest of its life trying to imitate human behavior in order to receive food and dopamine for its consumption. As a racist in Ireland, you are driven to conquer North Ireland because that's what racists in Ireland do. As a racist here, you are driven to disgust by all Warrior Cats under any circumstances because this feature has been assimilated to you. In fact, it's rather ridiculous trying to argue this point because racists rarely know or admit that they are a symbiotic hellspawn, but it won't fix that much either way. Just keep your hands off any pregnant women you come across and I'll try to keep you from breaking too many things on the off chance you win the presidency, foul monster."

-ISentinelPenguin PhD on the medical orgins of Racism.

"Evil is a choice, most of the time, but I've squeezed enough racist innards to know that they are pitiful creatures infected with parasites before their birth. You've never killed one, nor could you recognize an inhuman husk if it bit you on the arm and you had to saw it off because slime tendrils started spewing out of the wound, so your opinion on the subject is irrelevant. Besides, as someone who's seen "The Leprechaun" in its abhorrent entirety, I'd like to think I know what real Irish-targetting racism looks like."

-Head Chef of Cystia shares his personal encounters with Racism.

"Racists are inhuman monsters, and a great many of them should be killed for the problems they cause. Humanity almost became a zombified race during the outbreak of the 16th and 17th centuries. The day that Abraham Lincoln started having them killed was a miraculous one. They are parasitically possessed, empty husks that have never been human, and can only be cured through very expensive, time-consuming surgeries whose resources shouldn't be wasted on empty-hearted monsters."

-A Site Historian explains the history of Racism.

"Nonsense. Racism, as I have come to learn from viewing /pol/, the definitive source of all information on racists, has a very distinct set of hypocritical beliefs. All Racists must want to conquer the North, because racism entails:

The hatred of all women.

The hatred of all men.

The belief that the Irish must conquer North Ireland.

The belief that the Scots must conquer Scotland.

The belief that England should tell both previous conquerors to go fuck themselves and rebuild the empire.

The belief that the French should rebuild the empire of Napoleon.

The belief that the Germans should conquer Everything.

The belief that the Italians should rebuild Rome.

The belief that the Turkish should Rebuild the Ottoman Empire.

The belief that Africa should unite and conquer the dirty Europeans.

The belief that Japan has the only good women and the only good video games.

The belief that everyone darker than a peach crayon must die.

The belief that everyone lighter than a peach crayon must die.

The belief that Asia should be burned to the ground, especially the Japanese.

The belief that the Middle East should be burned to the ground, especially the Turks.

The belief that Africa be burned to the ground, especially the Africans.

The belief that all of the Mediterranean should be burned to the ground, especially the Italians.

The belief that all of mainland Europe be burned to the ground, especially the Germans. And the French.

The belief that all Palestinians should die.

The belief that all Jews should die.

The belief that China and its inhabitants are inherently evil.

The belief that furries should all die/are inherently wrong.

Clearly, racism is a self-destructive force that only seeks the death of all sapient life, and it should be destroyed."

-An Internet Anthropologist describes the behavioural needs of Racists.

Response from Okabe

8 years ago

An impressively comprehensive study, I see there's no disputing these facts. Excellent work sir.

Happy Ending!

8 years ago

Happy Ending!

8 years ago

So should we start calling this whole incident “MasterGate?”

Happy Ending!

8 years ago

I doubt we'll have a chance to name something that for quite some time. We should embrace the opportunity!