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8 years ago

Hey, a newbie here, been playing storygames here for a while but I kinda decided maybe I'd try and write a storygame myself, just for fun. Was wondering about the community here and if there's any avenue for newbies to get advice from seasoned ppl abt how to write and publish storygames? Thanks!


8 years ago

You can always ask Mizal for help, she's been around and she likes helping new people.


8 years ago

Sure thing, I'll be sure to send her a message, thanks so much I really appreciate it :)


8 years ago
We have a Help & Info section, which, while a bit out of date and in re-construction at the moment, should still give you all the help you need. For any questions about writing you have, there is the Writing workshop, for showing off your writing go to the Creative Corner.
And don't listen to End.


8 years ago

Haha alright got it, I'll head over there and see how....also why shouldn't I listen to him? I'm guessing this is some playful inside joke I prob don't get since I'm new here?


8 years ago
You will certainly gets lots of advice here. Good advice, bad advice, advice about sporks, and lots more. Your best bet is to, as mentioned, read the Help & Info section. Then take some time to read some of the forums. Feel free to ask questions and ask for reviews of your work. Read the stories here and see how they are rated -- that will give you an idea of what people like and do not like here.


8 years ago
Gavin, answering your PM now, but feel free to ignore the articles. They're being reorganized now and some are in the process of being axed or rewritten, but honestly except for the ones specifically on scripting they all cover extremely basic writing stuff, and it looks like you're already a better author that 90% of the community.


8 years ago

Haha uhh thanks for the compliment, although I'm curious how you know I'm a "better author" given that I've never published any stories before


8 years ago
You might want to turn sneak peek off if you don't want people snooping around in your story. :P


8 years ago

Haha oh right I totally forgot about that, okok thanks


8 years ago

The fact that you've capitalised words, correctly used commas and seem to be literate puts you a great deal above the common site plebian.


8 years ago

Haha that's reassuring? :p


8 years ago

Hey Gavin, totally. Here's an example of a thread similar to what you're describing:


8 years ago

Ohh okay thanks so much, appreciate it a lot :)


8 years ago

I'm not the only one worried that the dude coding all the updates can't use the link button, am I?


8 years ago

Until now, I thought source was the only way...


8 years ago

Welcome ^_^


8 years ago

Thanks for the welcome :)


8 years ago

^_^ if you have any questions, or just want to talk to someone, you can always PM me :D


8 years ago

Of course, thanks so much for the kind offer :)


8 years ago

Hey, nice username. My name is Ezra :).


Yeah, so if you want to become a good writer, read all the bad stories and learn what not to do.


8 years ago

Ahh nice name haha, and thanks I'll keep that in mind then


8 years ago
Missed out on the welcome thread!