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Aprils Fools

8 years ago

April Fools is coming up this weekend. Anyone got any genius pranks up their sleeves?

I for one don't have a single prank to pull (Or do I?)

A good few pranks being pulled on this site could also be quite entertaining.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Put a timer on an airhorn switch or something, and hide it in a library.

Offer someone a candy apple, but it's a red onion dipped in caramel.

Host a "costume awards ceremony" in a park, give the award to someone who "Looks almost like a real live Nazi!"

Create a tinder with my friends, ask someone to "Give me $5 and see what happens". Apparently that's a meme?

If someone actually sends the money, give them the link to a video of the girl who took the pictures (fake) killing herself or dying in a gruesome way.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Pranks with loud stuff are the best pranks.

tape an air horn to the wall as a door stop.

put those popits you can buy at the store under a toilet seat.

tape an air horn under one of those office seats.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago
1. Take two MacDonald's ketchup packs.
2. Fold then each in half and place them under the toilet seat support tabs - seams facing in.
3. Gently set the lid down on them.
4. Don't be seen leaving.
5. Repeat for each toilet in your entire school.
6. Fun & Profit ensues!!!

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

This is from a captain underpants book, I think.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Oh yeah, I read that one a long time ago.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago
Might be, but it has been around longer than the series - probably since ketchup packs actually haha!

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

microwaved soap looks like bread.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

You could just go the basic lazy route and catch people when they're asleep.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago


Aprils Fools

8 years ago

I like how shoving a guy's head in a ceiling fan is considered a prank and not attempted murder. Or at the very least seriously injuring the guy.

Granted I still laughed, but then I have slight sadistic streak.

But if we're going that route, an even funnier prank would be drugging someone and then gluing their nostrils and mouth shut while they're passed out. Lulz will ensue.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

And how the hell is it a prank to just throw eggs at people? What's the joke? Where's the bamboozlage? The only real prank in that whole video was when the kid convinced the other kid to go into the closet. Okay, and the mannequin, mousetrapped alarm clock, and the truck scare, and the table. But everything involving mousetraps was cuntish.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Was the entire joke here that it was the same month as April Fool's Day?

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Wait, did watchmojo actually do that? If so, I'm glad to know they finally decided to go Full-Pewdiepie on the whole, "Yeah, we know we're oversaturated cancer these days. We'll say something really edgy and triggering to a million people if you'll give us a view. The comments'll be worth it, kid!"

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

No. Watchmojo would receive major backlash from the media if they attempted something like this.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Do one of the pranks involve bowling?

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

As in what, the Bowling Green Massacre? #3soon5me

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Nah, while that was a pretty good prank, I have something else in mind:

1. Go bowling at 6.00 AM

2. Shoot up your school at 11:19 AM

3. Commit suicide at 12:08 PM

4. ???

5. Watch hilarity ensue.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Wait, what, why would someone do that!?

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Because it's gonna be like fucking Doom, man!

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

That would require them to be real men, which they aren't, so it's nothing like Doom. I didn't know they went bowling, though.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

But one of them had a shotgun straight out of Doom!

But seriously; they never went bowling, they were absent from school on the day of the shooting. There was a false story the two went bowling, which inspired the documentary Bowling for Columbine.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Wait, there's a bank that gives you guns!? I wanna go there!

Aprils Fools

8 years ago
Hadn't heard of that one, but while searching for the local car dealership that was giving away hunting rifles when you purchased a truck from 'em I discovered that it wasn't such a unique thing anymore.  It's heartwarming to see that it inspired someone else, though.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago
April 1st falling on a Saturday this year would ruin any pranks involving shooting up a school. But I'd definitely encourage suicide as acceptable fallback for anyone who planned one of those.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

I don't do plan on pulling pranks on some of my CYStian friends/acquaintances. Beware nothing

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Almost had something for a bit there, but nah; got nothin'.

EDIT: Oh my god I love what Flight Rising has done.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago
Intriguing, I'll go log in. But that site ate five fucking gigs of my data in a week, what can they do to me beyond this?

Aprils Fools

8 years ago
Ahahaha, ok that is adorable.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

I woke up this morning to find my brother had been tricked into eating a marmite pancake, a horrifying fate that shows me its not really a food, before I was offered an oreo that had had its filling scraped out and replaced with toothpaste in what I assume was a long, gruelling process that failed to get me because no one thought of the fact that I wasn't filth who had oreos for breakfast. Still, good trick, let's see where this morning goes.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago
Crisco is what you're supposed to use for that. Last year we had some fun at work making 'icecream cones' with sprinkles using a can of it and offering them to people on the afternoon shift when they'd come to clock in.

Though I guess oreo filling is basically just Crisco with sugar anyway.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Get some Brussels sprouts and Chocolate. Put the Brussels sprouts on cake pop sticks. Dip in chocolate and wait for the chocolate to harden. Serve and enjoy the look on people's faces.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Rushed, but here y'all go.

Aprils Fools

8 years ago


Aprils Fools

8 years ago

I liked it tbf

Aprils Fools

8 years ago

Some top notch noise isn't it.