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Drum Corps International

6 years ago

Hello all.


Just wanted to ask if anyone knows about Drum Corps International.  I'm a huge fan of their work, having now 9 shows fully memorized.  I realize that most listen to rock or rap, and I'm not trying to be condescending, but I've been trying to find even a decent fan of DCI, but no luck so far.  Surprising, since their champeonships sell out every year.  So, anyone a fan?


If so, post about what you've listened to, I'd love to hear in particular some descriptions of the shows themselves, makes it better from a visual perspective which I don't and can't have.


Have a good day.

Drum Corps International

6 years ago
another blind one for the tallies

Drum Corps International

6 years ago
He shows up every few months/years to remind us that he's blind. Mayana's attempt to make a friend was ignored however, because she smells.

Drum Corps International

6 years ago
Funny, I didn't think that's all I talk about. Honestly, most of my time is just lurking on the forums. Least I'm not a troll, mainly because I can't think of good enough insults when I don't know what you'all look like. But there it is.

Drum Corps International

6 years ago
Sure but I'm looking at your post history right now and six out of ten posts, with the addition of this one I'm replying to right now are like HAY GUYS DID YOU KNOW, I CAN'T SEE. JUST POINTING IT OUT BECAUSE ON THIS TEXT BASED INTERNET SITE, IT'S IMPORTANT FOR SOME REASON. (Two of the others are about MUDS which is a genre almost entirely taken over by blindies so technically those should count too...)

And you did completely ignore Maya the last time you popped up. You made a thread complaining you couldn't use the editor, because you were blind, and she asked you wtf you were going on about.

Anyway guess what, I don't know what you look like either. What's your point? How is this even a real thing a person on an internet forum would consider a factor?

Anyway @Mayana please use your bat squeaks on this one, I feel like I just won't be able to communicate, because he's blind

Drum Corps International

6 years ago
*sighted ignorance intensifies*

Drum Corps International

6 years ago
Well, to be fair, I mention that I'm blind in quite a lot of posts, too. It's not as bad anymore, but at the start I was only good for blindy jokes. Telling blindies to stop mentioning they're blind is like telling Malk to stop acting gay. :)

And yeah Harry, what other people look like doesn't matter. Basically no one uses their real picture as their profile pic, anyway. For example, mine's a picture of Medusa. I obviously don't look like that in real life ... or do I? ;) All you need to know about how humans look is that they're ugly. All of them!

I've never heard of Drum Corps International before, but I'll look it up. You don't need a description, it's probably just some people playing instruments.

Drum Corps International

6 years ago
I watched the championships a few years back. I was in drumline in high school and I enjoy the music, but I haven't listened to any of it in a while.

Drum Corps International

6 years ago
You'd be quite surprised. Mayana, Drum Corps International is quite a bit more than people just playing instruments, they do very intricate marching formations while playing very advanced pieces of music. The description's for the marching, mostly. Every corps has their own different style of marching and formation, and thus a different feel. I was just wondering really, it'd help me to figure out a different perspective with discriptions of the formation, but I've memorized 9 shows so far, so I guess in truth I just wanted to find a decent fan on the Internet. Really, I've been trying to find even a decent fan of DCI for a while now, no luck so far at all. Surprising, since they sell out large stadiums during the finals, but there it is.