harrypotter, The Contributor
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Hello. I am here to contribute as much as possible. I might need help along the way. I am open to duels and messages. In fact, I encourage people to challenge me or message me. So that is basically me. You now know my personality.
My favorite Harry Potter quote is-
"Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfrick Brian Dumbledore."
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
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Thinking of posting my guide on the dw on 9/26/2018 6:57:07 PMDrum Corps International on 9/26/2018 6:52:06 PM
Drum Corps International on 9/24/2018 7:22:37 PM
Drum Corps International on 9/19/2018 7:34:47 PM
Hello all.
Just wanted to ask if anyone knows about Drum Corps International. I'm a huge fan of their work, having now 9 shows fully memorized. I realize that most listen to rock or rap, and I'm not trying to be condescending, but I've been trying to find even a decent fan of DCI, but no luck so far. Surprising, since their champeonships sell out every year. So, anyone a fan?
If so, post about what you've listened to, I'd love to hear in particular some descriptions of the shows themselves, makes it better from a visual perspective which I don't and can't have.
Have a good day.
Making the editor for storygames more accessible f on 4/24/2018 8:32:58 PM
Hi there.
So, I was thinking of a way to do this. If there was a way to make a text version of the editor, without the rich text toolbar and stuff, just straight text, it'd help. I think us blind people most definitely have something to offer, if only the editor for storygames. I was thinking, while we couldn't do graphics to complement our storygames, a way to do it might just be edit boxes with the labels, "Title of storygame, (when first starting, but this goes away as you write the storygame), title of segment, link, (which would be used to label the links in the storygame and more would be added as you come up with links), items, (so that people can add items and descriptions of items and make them appear within the storygame),and next or previous page links so that people could add links to their previous pages or next pages should they have something in mind. For each empty link, there'd be edit boxes, (again, excluding rich text toolbar, since most blind people stick with the original script), with the same information that I told you all above. This would make it a hell of a lot easier for a blind person to create a storygame. Trust me, I have so many ideas about what I'd love to create, if I could. I would very much like for these changes to be implemented, heck, I don't care if it's called the Accessible Editor or something, just as long as it helps us blind creators to have a chance at making worthwhile storygames.
Thank you very much, administrators, for keeping this site alive. This would be a very good path for Choose Your Story to make, and would increase the number of actual creators to this site.
Muds, (multi user dungeons) on 3/15/2017 12:20:59 PM
Hi there, do any of you play muds online? These are client-based, text-based games in which you type commands and you play your own characters, for anyone who has no knowledge. There are some pretty good ones, Avalon for those who like Fantasy, Cosmic Rage, (which has a soundpack), for those who like science fiction, and for Endmaster and the Penguin, Sindome or Hellmoo might take to their brand.
lusternia on 3/31/2016 4:00:00 PM
Does anyone play the mud called Lusternia, Age of Ascention? I know Swiftstryker does, but who is he on their. I do, and have multiple characters. One of them being Vablus of Gaudiguch. Please post if you do, and what you think of it. If you don't, It's a good game with lots of stuff.
GRADUATION!!!!!! on 6/6/2013 7:15:36 PM
congratulations. I admire your loyalty to this website.
I need some help on 6/6/2013 7:12:38 PM
Drakilian, I have managed well being blind. Not that I am offended. I am an easy going human.
I need some help on 6/5/2013 11:15:32 PM
I don't think so. I wrote a page of my storygame. I don't know how to add links, though. And It's not because I'm blind!!! I assure you that I am fully capable of writing a storygame. But, thanks for all your help. Can you tell me what you think about blindness in general? I am just curious about what you think.