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im back fellas

6 years ago

ya kicked me out of the discord. I don't care though lol. I will admit I was inactive. Its just I have a weird schedule you could say when writing stories. Sometimes I get a creative spark and write nonstop for a month, then lose that touch and go inactive for a bit. I'm not saying I'll be active a lot now because I have school, but I'm not leaving. Once I get my creative spark again I'll be back.


im back fellas

6 years ago
People who have only existed three months to begin with can't make threads like these, I'm sorry.

im back fellas

6 years ago
what is up with this sassy lost child?

im back fellas

6 years ago

Don't even remember him being here or in the Discord (Any of them).

im back fellas

6 years ago

Who is this?

im back fellas

6 years ago
Moved this to the correct forum.

im back fellas

6 years ago

I'm back again and I'm feeling a little less inspired to continue my stories after reading some replies to my previous post. I just wanted to inform you guys why I was inactive but y'all had to do it to em did ya? I guess this isn't the community I was looking for and apparently being 16 on a make your own story website is a little too young for you guys. Anyway, I will continue my writing elsewhere. For those of you that gave me advice I really appreciate it. You guys are all smart and creative storytellers. Maybe I'll return to this website in a few years from now when I am of the "preferred age."

I'm going to post my unfinished story so I feel like I contributed something to this site even though it will get downvoted and ridiculed because of its unfinished story and editing. 

Now then, continue with your usual lives, I'm sure leaving won't be much of a difference since most of you have forgotten me anyway.


im back fellas

6 years ago
Damn, it doesn't take much to get you offended, huh? No one posted anything particularly insulting, get thicker skin. Or don't. More amusement that way.
Anyway, I highly doubt anyone here even knew how old you were. This's the internet, it's not like we can see you. People're going to assume your age on how maturely you act. And, right now, you are acting like a little butthurt child.

im back fellas

6 years ago

Unfinished stories are automatically deleted when reported.  

Publishing your unfinished story in a fit of rage will add nothing to the site, and everyone will roll your eyes and forget you and your story seven seconds later.


im back fellas

6 years ago
I'm one of the few who even remembers who you even are and I still have no idea what you're droning about in this high-pitched mosquito-like whine.

Nothing you're crying about in any way matches any experience you've had here, but yes, feel free to go be a faggot elsewhere, you didn't have to inform us.

im back fellas

6 years ago

>being 16 is a little too young for you guys

I literally started on this site when I was 11 and I'm 16 now, so I have no clue how you managed to come to this conclusion aside from you being a complete idiot.

Anyhow, everyone else already shat on you for publishing an unfinished story and it's already down anyway so there's no reason for me to comment on it beyond this. Have fun away from the site I guess.

im back fellas

6 years ago

No, being sixteen is absolutely fine. We have younger members who do shit and do great. Really, all we require is hard work and effort. Finish your story before publishing it, we'll do our best to criticise it and encourage you, if you actually put in the time. If not, you'll be shit on. 

Don't blame the issue on your age here, dude, it's disingenuous. Blame it on your laziness and unwillingness to actually do anything. 

im back fellas

6 years ago
No one even referred to his age which is the weird thing, and he's never posted anything that was 'ridiculed'. (Pretty sure the only thing he's ever posted anywhere at all was a sample page he got a lot of good feedback on.)

But oh well, he's left the site so I guess this mystery will never be solved.

im back fellas

6 years ago

All over getting kicked off the discord for inactivity? Yikes.

Well, props to him anyway for even getting month-long 'creative sparks'. The longest sparks I had were only for a couple of hours at a time.

Although that is probably because I am 2, turning 3 months old next year.

im back fellas

6 years ago
Welcome ba... hey, where'd he go???