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Zucc the independence

5 years ago

Fuckberg zucced the declaration of independence for ''violating'' community standards.


Zucc the independence

5 years ago

Well its official, only CYS defends your freedoms now.

Zucc the independence

5 years ago

Can we hang homos and minorities in CYS ? 

Zucc the independence

5 years ago
what else would the mods use our taxes for

Zucc the independence

5 years ago

I think we should crucify you instead, fascist scum. 

Zucc the independence

5 years ago

I'm very glad this happened, that rag is a bunch of hypocritical nonsensical drivel filled with complaints about being slaves and desire for liberty from literal slaveowners. Unironically tear down statues of Jefferson the slave rapist.  

Zucc the independence

5 years ago

Oh come on, I'm sure he didn't rape ALL of them.