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Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago


I know, I said I couldn't post in the forum, but now I'm on a different device so now I can. No, I'm not a sore loser, I'm just here to complain about a injustice that I think we have to change.

I believe, as a website for sharing works of writing, that this website should help us all become better writers and better people. The comments should be a place where you get suggestions on how to do better and what you did well. But here comes the problem. A horrible storygame is posted. It is not proofreaded, and the plot is a ultimate failure. Ok, so an Admin comes, criticizes it, and deletes it. Yet, the story is still in the author's unpublished section. The author fixes what is wrong, and posts it again. After all, the criticism is supposed to make the author make it better, right? Then the same admin comes and deletes the story again without even checking to see if the story is edited. 

What I am wondering now, is, then, what is the point of the comment section then? To attack the author, or make the author a better writer? I request that either when the admin deletes your story, it is gone forever, as the admin is going to delete it again, so why bother? Or, install a rule that a admin cannot delete a story before reading it, even if it has been uploaded again, because I have spent so much time finding co-writers and editing my story only to have a admin delete it again.

I do not mean any offense to the admin who did this to me, I am only explaining the injustice of this behavior. Thank you for reading.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
"without even checking to see whether it was edited"

How do you know? They perhaps read it and thought it was still shit after the edit.

Also, admins are all-powerful and have no rules of conduct except "don't be a pedo"

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Well, maybe we should put some limitations. I don't object an admin's authority, but they should not abuse their power. (In other ways too, not necessarily this scenario)

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Yes but who is going to implement a limitation on an admins power

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

If it's fair, I'm sure a rule will pull through.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Occasional admin power abuse is a part of CYS and has been for years.

And without the right to delete stories and not allow them back up, Warrior Cats would still be wandering this site.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

I am not asking to revoke the right to delete stories. I believe that right is very helpful and without it Chooseyourstory will be a place for junk stories. And if occasional admin abuse has been here for years, why not solve it now?


Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Reasons why admin power abuse should not and will not be solved

Why it should not: It's funny

Why it will not: The only people who make rules are the admins, thus you would be asking them to limit their own power

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Oh, just because it's funny you let people get their feelings hurt?

True. But why not? Right of free speech can sway the government. It can sway a absolute monarch to become an constitutional monarch.

 Sorry if I'm being annoying and keep rebutting your reasons not to. It's just me being a debater.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
There's zero admin abuse going on in this situation. You're just complaining because the community has standards.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

I'm not saying it's ab-

Okay, maybe I am, but I really don't classify it as "abuse".

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
1. I don't really care if your feelings are hurt by the admins

2. We have free speech. You, for instance haven't been banned despite an admin noticing your call for reform.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Lol, let's not get ahead of ourselves on point 2, not every admin has joined the party yet.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
True. End might ban her, and I'm all for it. The Wishing Well shouldn't be for whining about your story being deleted

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

It's not about me. It's about future instances. I don't what this to happen again.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

It's not about my feelings.

Sorry, if you think I'm annoying I'll just stop responding to your posts.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
I don't think you're annoying, and am in fact enjoying this little debate. But what is your point here? First you argue for admin limitations, then you propose to give them more power by allowing them to permanently delete storygames.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

I'm saying both. If one proposal won't make it through, then another one will still make the situation better.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
It's 100% about your feelings. I don't see anyone else making this argument.

But by all means, if you get together with enough like-minded noobs and you all put together a petition or something, we'll give it all the consideration such a well thought out idea and argument deserves.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Techinically speaking this server is private property and by posting on it you have submitted yourself to the standards that it has. In some cases double standards, but yeah. If you want to exercise your right to free speech I reccomend you actually do it in a place where it can't be denied. Well not denied per say, but an admin is the equivalent of a God. Wouldn't really reccomend offending a god on your own. Luck.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Aww, but I like to be the one to crush their faith in democracy with cold harsh reality...

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Forgive me great one, I did not mean to usurp your position. Had I known that you enjoyed the anguish brought about by the crushing of belief I would not have dared to do it myself. Forgive my insolent self and take pity upon my soul. -White Rose

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

1. I doubt this is going to happen. You are suggesting the admins make a rule to limit admin authority 

2. While what happened to you is unfortunate, how do you know if they read it again? Even if they didn't we have had too many accidents on this site for this to happen

3. When I game is republished there is no way to know such. Because of this if a story is republished a few days afterward than it is normally safe to assume not many changes have been made.

4. The comment section is to make you a better writer. Not necessarily make that specific story better.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

My address to your argument:

1. above

2. Good point. But I'm pretty sure my story met site standards. 

3. Maybe we should put a date to the story, when it was published or republished, if not already.

4. Well, why can't I make my story better? (sorry for the sass, I'm trying to be nice)


Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

The fact remains that the purpose of this site is not to make people better writers, but to share and read quality stories and storygames. If you make the decision to publish something, then you are tacitly agreeing that it be held to the same standard as everything else ever published here. If you publish something subpar, then it isn't the admins' or anyone's job for the matter to hold your hand and tell you exactly what to change to make it acceptable. If you hit that publish button you are putting your work out there to be seen and read by everyone, so if you are not sure about the quality of said work then perhaps you should hold off on publishing. There are plenty of helpful members including admins like mizal who constantly read the Writing Workshop threads and offer advice and criticism on the writings that you post there. So maybe try that if you really want advice and tips to get better. Also, if you're trying to become a better person you are in the wrong place.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Please be reminded I mean no offense to anyone. I agree Admins are helpful. I am not criticizing admins themselves.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

That is very true.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Also, I am not only requesting a new rule, but maybe just letting the storygame get forever deleted when an admin deletes it, since I see no point of keeping that storygame after.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Stories are deleted when they're deleted.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
1.) Crappy stories aren't deleted, they're unpublished. If the rating is so low that this happens, it should be self evident what the issues are even without comments. But many readers do explain what the problem is anyway: and unless actually porn or else obvious trolling, the problem is ALWAYS laziness on the part of the author, lack of effort and not bothering to proofread. That's literally the only thing anyone gives unanimously low ratings for, that and not bothering to even finish a story in the first place.

Deletions happen only if the author keeps obnoxiously republishing, and usually they're warned.

2.) It's a little weird that you want to both limit admins and at the same time insist they should override the community's decision that a story doesn't meet site standards just because they feel like it.

3.) If someone wants to improve, great. They should take the advice given and use that so that their next project doesn't suck the infected tumors on a donkey's balls. Again, I cannot overemphasize the level of utter, irredeemable garbage a story has to be to not wind up rated at least a 3/8. Significant editing pretty much never happens but if sufficiently motivated, restarting or even just copying over these little aborted 700 word abominations for a rewrite is not the chore you're making it out to be.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Whoa whoa whoa. No need to get angry. This is a peaceful debate, well, at least I think it is. I agree.

Number one is kinda my point. They SHOULD be deleted instead of unpublished. That's one of my suggestions.

I agree for number two. It IS kinda weird. 

Number three? Yes, that makes sense. But isn't a restarted story basically the same as the old one, so why not just revise it right there and then?

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
I'm not angry in the slightest. If anything, you seem like the angry one.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Sorry if I seem angry, my tone is supposed to be calm. I'm sorry if my words have given you the impression of anger.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
You think that was me being angry. Lol.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
So as near as I can follow, your argument boils down to you thinking other people's stories should be deleted, ignoring all the reasons they may want to keep it.

If you want to delete your own (and it looks like you did) you have all the power to do so. Let other people make their own decisions about their own work.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
I'm having some issues with my phone service right now so I'll just get to the point: People are having a field day in this thread because your arguments are all either contradictory, ill informed, or otherwise sound like they're being made by a ten year old. You response here to point three alone makes it pretty clear you've never done a significant rewrite on anything you've written; half assed and ineffective gestures at fixing errors that shouldn't have been in the finished product in the first place don't count. I do remember your story btw. We got a *lot* of publication notices and up until I got sick of looking at it the bad punctuation remained the same. The whole thing never went much above 3k word count anyhow. Anyway, I think you can consider this suggestion rejected, but I'll leave this up for people to continue putting their two cents in. Perhaps the will of the people in exercising their right of free speech on an internet forum can sway the abusive admins, right here and now.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

So this site employs programs that automatically unpublish a story if ratings aren't higher than 2/8?

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Anyway I really can't keep up with this thread at work but when the opening statement is questioning whether there's any point to the reviews that readers often spend more time on than the author did writing the story in the first place, it makes me feel like the rest will be equally silly not worth reading that closely atm.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Great ideas, honey! I am sure the admins will all rethink their horrible, nasty meanness and always go straight to deleting to stories from now on in order to help everyone improve his writing.
In fact, someone call up Alexp, because I believe this young lady would have a lot to offer us if she were made admin.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Thanks for your support, but that is never going to happen.

Thanks though.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Oh, come now. I really think you're the breath of fresh air this site needs. Keep pushing, and you'll be going places.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Me? A admin?

Thanks for your kindness though, but I can't be an admin.

1. As you see from the way I talk, I am a LOT younger than anyone else is. 

2. I have not ANY successful stories.

3. And I don't come here a lot anyway. Good admins take care of their community 24\7. Have you ever seen a forum or storygame where Mizal has not been seen commenting?

Anyway, lets stop talking about it. we're getting off track here.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Is this sarcasm?

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Okay I think we can more or less wrap this thread up now, but for educational purposes, let's talk about what Anastasia did wrong here today: 1.) Being 13. 2.) Posting a thread like this with a previous reputation only of being a girl who published four stories in a row and ignored the advice of 'you really REALLY need to proofread' given by multiple people on all of them. 3.) Posting a thread like this, period. 4.) Recruiting other 12 year olds to 'improve' her story. 5.) Somehow not realizing a thread like this would serve no purpose but entertainment for the masses. 6.) "free speech" derail 7.) Not seeming to have any clear idea what her argument even was and then undermining it further with derails and contradictions. 8.) Getting a new device that allows her to use the forum despite being only 11. 9.) Letting this thread come to my attention on hour ten of my workday. 10.) Letting this thread come to Endmaster's attention, period. 11.) Trusting Cricket. 12.) Believing a website is a democracy. 13.) Believing CYS will make her a better person. But oh well, many current members also joined the site when they were 10 or so, I'm sure if she perseveres, she'll get past this and be able to look back on it one day and cringe.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Hey, now. I am a very trustworthy member.
Just look at my innocent face.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Nothing a swatter can't fix.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

I feel duped, give me back my naive belief in hope

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
No. :D

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

I'm still surprised that even with multiple authors, the stories were still substandard.

Also, points 1 and 8 contradict themselves.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

I mean, the only thing worse than an underdeveloped kid trying to write a story is a group of them doing the same thing. So you shouldn't really be surprised.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

So it was sarcasm, now I feel dumb for questioning the existence of such an optimistically kind stranger willing to encourage bad ideas.


Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
Get used to disappointment.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

sigh, that's life I guess

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

I also think we need to have some kind of constitutional monarchy, I slaved for hours....HOURS, on this game linked here.  The very same day the mods unpublished it and it sent me into a three month long spiral.

Admin the admins!

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
I'll drop my two cents in :)

I've been on the site a while and I can't remember hardly any occasions where any admin was out of line or unduly harsh (there was some behind the scenes stuff with a few admins that are gone). My understanding is the owner of this site, AlexP, has some involvement in choosing or approving a few people to maintain quality levels on his site. These people effectively volunteer for an unpaid and thankless full-time job dealing with some occasionally extremely immature, troillish or just plain insane internet denizens. It is not something I would want to do just because of the sheer scale of the time commitments and the dealing with some truly bizarre individuals involved.

Going to war with admins on their site is a bit like challenging a team of top basketball players to a game in their favourite stadium: they've been here for years, know the site in and out and have probably lost count of the number of similar situations they have dealt with. You do seem to be approaching this rationally but I'd recommend private messaging individual admins with a genuine grievance rather than inviting a pro-admin community to offer their messages of support and feedback, it's a bit like inviting the spectators to join the aforementioned team of basketball players :D

I understand your horror of rewrites, it's not something I enjoy doing myself but if you want to avoid them then you need to make sure the original story game is of a decent enough quality (I suppose at least 4/8) to avoid deletion. A novel idea here is if you want to know why an admin deleted your story game you could message them privately and ask them? They will tell you what was wrong and how to improve it. It can be annoying having something you have worked on hard being told isn't good enough to stay on the site but even top writers sometimes churn out stories that fall flat, to be a good writer you need to keep working on your writing to improve. It's not easy, it's hard but to be a good writer you need to keep writing and try to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Now I'm going to go back to continuing work on my ten thousandth Edutainment story :D

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
>Going to war with admins on their site is a bit like challenging a team of top basketball players to a game in their favourite stadium That's true, but the audience loves it when that happens so we always let them try. Just sending a private message would have been the more sensible thing, yes, but then this person has been on the site for a year and claims to have been reading the forums so, if she's really that surprised by the results than there are some social and comprehension issues there. I checked last night and my comment on her last story was, 'I flat out refuse to read anything else by this author until she learns to proofread. I don't care how old she is, there is no excuse for laziness." That was her fourth story and they all had the same problems, got the same advice from readers and then were unpublished for low ratings. She is not the fastest learner, but it wasn't a major problem and she's been restrained (terrified?) in the thread so far anyway. I'm happy to give advice to anyone at any skill level who is actually trying to improve, but punctuation is not a subjective thing and there are endless free resources online as well as you know, actual books, made of paper, that can be opened and looked at for examples. If I look at a story and I see major problems there I'm just going to say 'fix your punctuation', I'm not wasting time with the rest until that minimal level of effort has been put in by the author. Solutions to problems like, 'I edited this tiny 3000 word story after it was unpublished for low ratings, but it STILL has a low rating and its time on the New Stories list that might have attracted new ones has passed, HMMM, what do' are also on the author to figure out. The easiest fix of course is to publish a decent story in the first place, but it's not like it's the only one that someone willing to apply a little brain power would be able to come up with. And no, I'm not going to start just deleting stories. (Since at the end of the day that's what the thread seems to mostly be about despite the various derails.) Authors are free to do what they want with their own work, it's not bothering anyone if it's just on their profile, and there's plenty of reasons they may want to keep an older story around. Or at any rate that's again, their decision, and not one that either admins or non contributing randos should be making for them.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
If a storygame was bad enough to be unpublished (as storygames are never REALLY deleted), then odds are a few changes isn't going to make it worth republishing. At that point you're better off taking what you've learned and starting a new one.

"I request that either when the admin deletes your story, it is gone forever, as the admin is going to delete it again, so why bother?"

Even if a storygame isn't deemed good enough to be published, yourself, your friends, and anyone who has the unpublished link can still play it.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
The admins admin the admins.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago

Admin admins admin admins admin admin admin admins admin admins admin.

Who Admins the Admins?

5 years ago
I can't parse this but I assume it's a reference to the Buffalo sentence. Which I also could never follow.