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Text glitches

5 years ago

For some reason spelling dont’t results in a string of garble please can some one tell me why 

Text glitches

5 years ago

We're not entirely sure why this happens.

Aren't the rich text editor or something?

Text glitches

5 years ago
If it doesn't result in a string of garble I don't see the problem.

Text glitches

5 years ago
You're copying over from MSWord or some other program that's inserting special characters that look like apostrophes and quotation marks, which are read as gibberish anywhere on the site that's expecting plain text for HTML.

Also, you'll get better results in getting your questions answered if you give details and use sentences.

Text glitches

5 years ago

I've often wondered this when reading people's writing.

Text glitches

5 years ago
Oh, he made two of these threads, and Brad answered the other one hours ago.

Text glitches

5 years ago

yeah kinda realized that thier was a section for glitch's and bugs